
Filling out firefighter applications

I recently
spent four days with several other chief officers pouring through over 1,000 entry
level firefighter applications with a team of chief officers. Overall the
applications were very disappointing. The standout ones were awesome, but in
general the quality was pretty lackluster. Here are some of the things that we
as a group would like to pass along to aspiring firefighters.

Let’s start
with the basics. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. Often times a department will provide specific
instructions. This may
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Capt Craig Freeman

U.S. FOREST SERVICE – Region 5 (California)

This is somefollow up info taken from a pdf flier. All California Forest Service areas are in this text and how to make application, Good Luck

U.S. FOREST SERVICE – Region 5 (California)
Forestry Aid and Forestry
Temporary Wildland Firefighter
2012 Fire Season
Apply Now – Contact Captains ASAP – Job Offers may be made in
January and February
The Forest Service requires talented people working safely together to be successful. Wildland firefighters work in
a variety of … Read the rest


Healthy Holiday Appetizers


recently,  we went over four appetizers to steer clear of this holiday season – today we serve up healthy options for your cocktail plates!

  1. Crudités. The fiber in veggies will help fill you up, and they provide a nice, satisfying crunch. Choose a spectrum of colors (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots are good choices) and serve with low- or non-fat plain yogurt. Add some fresh herbs and seasonings for flavor.
  2. Mixed nuts. When eaten sparingly, nuts are a terrific snack. Walnuts
  3. Read the rest


Holiday appetizers to avoid

4 Worst Holiday Appetizers

Holiday parties are notorious for finger foods filled with high-glycemic carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. See a few of the worst below and stay tuned for some of the better choices.  Knowledge is power, so being aware of what you are eating makes all the difference –

  1. Dips. Skip the creamy, cheesy dips and opt for fresh salsa instead.
  2. Cocktail franks and mini-meatballs. Neither is a good source of lean protein and both can pack a
  3. Read the rest


2012 Becoming A Firefighter Workshop

Now that the holiday season is officialy in full swing I wanted to take a moment to
wish you and your family a Happy and Safe Holiday Season. We all have much to be
thankful for at this time of year, the least of which is our family and friends. It
is with this thought that I say thank you to each of you for your friendship over
the years. For me it has been both an honor and a … Read the rest


Food Focus: Oils and Fats

Oils and Fats

Not all oils and fats are created equal. Heavily processed, hydrogenated, “trans” fats and oils that are used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body. However, fats and oils from whole foods and other high-quality sources can steady our metabolism, keep hormone levels even, nourish our skin, hair and nails and provide lubrication to keep the body functioning fluidly. Our bodies also need fat for insulation and to protect and hold our organs … Read the rest


6 ways to stall your firefighter job search

In today’s Sunday paper, I noticed a timely article titled “6 ways to stall your job search,” by Larry Buhl, and I wanted to share it since I think it really provides a lot of guidance for future firefighters. Now before we go any further, I’ve heard more and more people say they don’t read the daily newspaper because they don’t have time or they don’t think it’s relevant. I believe it’s critical for fire service professionals to be in-tune … Read the rest


Got The Love?

Its was 230 am…Again.  I couldn’t sleep, and my heart was racing.  I remember and staring out the window of my bedroom with the strangest mix of emotions.   My mind wouldn’t shut down.  I alternated between unbridled motivation and excitement to sheer panic.  This does not bode well for rest.

I’d figured out exactly what I wanted to do with my life.  Only a handful of people ever truly have the realization that there is a single thing that they … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

How to Become a Firefighter…

How to Become a Firefighter . Many theories exist on the right path to follow to be successful at becoming a career firefighter. Career firefighter jobs require an individual approach; the journey that works for one person may not be the same for another.
Generally speaking fire jobs require a unique set of pre-requisites and skills to be successful.
1) The candidate (you) must have a clean record free of chronic drug use, traffic issues, or felonies.
2) Usually an … Read the rest


The Building of a Vision Statement

The Building of a Vision Statement
Bob Atlas, Battalion Chief
Your personal vision statement will guide your life. It will assist you in following your goals and give you the direction needed to follow the course of your days and the choices you make about your career. Your personal vision statement is the lighthouse that shines in the darkness which guides you and directs you in which way to turn on the way to success. Your personal vision statement … Read the rest


The Building of a Personal Mission Statement

The Building of a Personal Mission Statement
Bob Atlas, Battalion Chief

You have a purpose in life. You know in your heart what’s most important to you. In fact, your mission and values are expressed every day, by how you live–you just may not realize it ! In this segment we are going to work on how to build a Personal Mission Statement. A Personal Mission Statement is critical to your success. With one you can continue to be … Read the rest


I didn’t get hired? But I thought I had the best resume!

This is a problem many candidates “don’t get” today, and was something I didn’t get when I was testing to become a firefighter. When I was testing to become a firefighter in the early 1990’s – (come on, that wasn’t too long ago – and things really haven’t changed that much, at least in my area) – I tried too hard to have the “best resume.”

It didn’t dawn on me until I was actually hired, that “best resume” is … Read the rest


It’s Cold and Flu Season… Some alternatives…

EMS personnel are constantly exposed to all sorts of germs and ill folks. With Cold and Flu season starting, people are apt to get the flu 2 and 3 times this season. There are several natural alternatives that are not widely known. Let’s take some time to discuss some of the ways patients in my practice strengthen their immune system to ward off all the bugs flying around this time of year. Try one or all of these suggestions, and … Read the rest


A mother’s wise words…

My mom used to say, “You better check yourself at the door…!”


Some rookie basics

Anyone that has survived their rookie year working at a firehouse will tell you that there are some important social & cultural expectations they had to meet every day on the job – and that many of them weren’t spelled out in a textbook or manual.  In fact, I’d venture to say that a large part of what makes someone fun to work with/around is when you feel like they not only take their job seriously, but also understand these … Read the rest


Begin To Dress To Your Success!

Make an excellent, long standing first impression; show that you are serious and set the bar higher for others to reach!


Oral Board Questions

As someone taking either an entry level or promotional level oral interview, there should be no “trick” or “surprise” questions if you have done your research/homework.

Meaning, there are many websites and books that have sample oral board questions that pretty much cover the majority of the types of questions you’ll be asked


The concept of “kaizen”

One of the most important things I believe a firefighter should both embrace and embody is the concept of “kaizen”, or “continuous improvement”.  Above all traits – physical, mental, emotional – the desire to improve yourself each day has the potential to make you a top notch firefighter candidate and a welcome addition to any fire department.  Once on the job, the concept of continuous improvement is what separates average firefighters from exceptional ones; mediocre commanding officers from those that … Read the rest


Welcome Josh.

Please Help me Welcome our new FCBlog team member Josh Sanders.  This is a re-print of Josh’s bio page for your review. 

Josh Sanders is a Firefighter/Paramedic with the Chula Vista Fire Department, where he was hired in 2004. He is currently assigned to an OES Type I Heavy Rescue and has been involved with the CVFD rescue program since it’s inception in the spring of 2006.

Josh is a California state registered rescue instructor in several disciplines and is … Read the rest


Step Mill Training for CPAT

Step Mill Training for CPAT

No matter how hard you train for the stair climb in the CPAT, your legs will feel like rubber when you’re through. The time it takes to recover from this depends on your fitness level and your V02 Max. VO2 Max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can process in order to feed your muscles to do work. In tests like the CPAT, if your VO2 Max is not high enough, you simply Read the rest