VOLUNTEER RESIDENT FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM / Getchell Fire Snohomish County Fire District 22
Getchell Fire Snohomish County Fire District 22 (WA) is accepting apps for VOLUNTEER RESIDENT FIREFIGHTER PROGRAM Until: May 1, 2017. For details about thousands of other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
Getchell Fire Snohomish County Fire District 22 (WA)
is accepting applications for:
Getchell Recruits In Training
Thank you for taking an interest in joining the Getchell resident firefighter program. Membership in the resident program is a rewarding and satisfying experience. The feeling of self-satisfaction one gets by helping people in need is something each member of our organization values. Getchell residents are dedicated to helping people in need and many members have stepped up to full time careers in career departments. In fact, most join our program for just this reason. There is no better way to prepare you for the rigorous testing required to hire into a career firefighter position. The Getchell resident firefighter program is ideally suited for men and women at least 18 years old, but can be for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the fire service.
Residency at Snohomish County Fire District 22 is earned. Our residency program will offer you the best firefighting continuing education available. In return for your time and commitment to this organization we will provide you with ongoing training including but not limited to: structural fire attack, driver/operator training, command, wild land, EMS, Haz-Mat, and fire prevention. You will also have the opportunity to obtain your EMT certification and through subsequent fire related training, up to 45 credits at Everett Community College. This will be explained further in the College Credit section to follow.
Regardless of your motives, if you would like to become a resident firefighter with Fire District 22, take a few moments to read the information following.
What is GRIT?
Courage and Resolve; Strength of Character; Indomitable Spirit
Phase I – GRIT:
The Snohomish County Fire District 22 resident firefighter program is one that begins with commitment. Known as “GRIT”, the Getchell Recruits In Training program is an 8 week M-F 8AM-8PM paramilitary recruit academy designed to challenge recruits both physically and mentally under stress. Almost all recruits that have been through the program indicate that GRIT was the greatest challenge they have ever completed.
GRIT is not for individuals that think they might want a fire service career. GRIT is for individuals that know they want a fire service career.
Instructed by seasoned fire service professionals including, Firefighters, Officers, Lieutenants, Captains, and IFSAC certified instructors, from surrounding areas, recruits will learn every aspect of the job necessary to make them an efficient Firefighter as prescribed by NFPA and IFSTA. Recruit academy days are broken into classroom time and manipulative skills. Typically, for every one hour spent in the classroom two or more will be spent on skills corresponding to the classroom material. The classroom material is taught with the latest edition of IFSTA Essentials. Furthermore, concepts and tactics are adapted according to department policy as needed.
At the end of recruit academy recruits will be tested on what they have learned and must successfully pass both the written and practical portions of the IFSAC Firefighter I, Hazmat Awareness, and Hazmat Operations. If any of these tests are failed, the recruit may face re-testing or in most cases, termination. Once the recruit passes the practical and written tests, recruit school has been completed. With GRIT complete recruits move on to Phase II as a Probationary Resident Firefighter.
Phase II – Residency
Residency is a 12 month career development program designed to further the resident’s skills as a firefighter. The resident firefighter will be assigned to one of four shifts A, B, C, or D shift. Residents are expected to be on shift as part of a four man crew consisting of 2 resident firefighters and 2 part-time firefighters every 4th day for 24 hours (roughly 8 shifts per month). Through running Fire/EMS calls and with the guidance of the Getchell Fire Probationary Manual residents will become proficient with many on the job skills including mapping, company operations, emergency apparatus driving, EMT skills, and wild land fire suppression. Throughout residency the more experienced crew members will show recruits the ropes and as you become more experienced, your areas of responsibility will become greater. This could include becoming an engine company driver operator, deployment on state mobilization, or on an aid unit assignment with other existing volunteer firefighters. In January, all residents not holding a current Washington State EMT will be required to attend EMT school at Everett Community College. This is paid for by the department.
The resident firefighters at Fire District 22 play an important role in protecting the community. In times of true emergency the District depends on the resident to fulfill their role. In order to meet these expectations, every resident must be self-motivated to do the job. Residents will undergo quarterly evaluations, a final evaluation, and chief’s test. Upon completion of the final evaluation and chief’s test, Residents are eligible to apply for a position of employment with the department. This is Phase III.
Note: Successful completion of the Residency phase will require a sacrifice that goes beyond coming to drills and standing duty. This is something that must be discussed with your employer, school, or anyone else that may be personally affected by your fire department commitments. We also expect you to be a part of our organization for at least 12 months. We realize that job opportunities and other complications can arise that would interfere with your appointment. However, at your time of appointment you should have no firm plans that will interfere with the program. Any resident Firefighter that fails, quits, or is terminated for reasons indicated within the Snohomish County Fire District #22 rules of conduct policy may be obligated to pay the fire district the entire cost expended up to that point of a residents time in the program.
Employment At A Glance
Phase I – GRIT – June through July
- Monday through Friday 8AM to 8PM
- Must Complete GRIT
- Must have a passing grade for all of the following: IFSAC Firefighter I, Hazmat Operations, Hazmat Awareness
Phase II – Residency – 12 months (typically August through August)
- Getchell Fire Probationary Manual
- Quarterly Evaluations
- Pump Academy
- EMT School
- Final Evaluation
- Chief’s Test
- Must successfully complete all of the above
Phase II Completion = Eligibility for Part-Time Employment
College Credit
The fire district will write a letter to the Everett Community College indicating successful completion of each of the 9 training components as the resident firefighters completes each. Each resident firefighter will have an opportunity to earn up to 45 college credits based on the job experience and courses completed.
The credits earned are as follows:
- 19.5 credits for successful completion of recruit school
- 11 credits for successful completion of Washington State EMT program
- 2.5 credits for successful completion of the Wild land Firefighter II course.
- 3 credits for successful completion of an in-house engineer driver operator program
- 9 credits awarded based on the job experience gained in our 12-month program.
Credits and certification will be issued the last day of the program. Individuals that don’t complete the entire program will not receive credit or certification. Fire District #22 will furnish the resident firefighter with all required books, workbooks and study disks for the above-mentioned courses.
The Application Process
The GRIT academy starts the first week of June lasting until late August. Applications are accepted year around, However the deadline for each years GRIT Academy is May 1st of each year. Applications received after May 1st will be considered in the following years selection process.
Background Waiver – Click Here
If you are interested in employment with Snohomish County Fire District 22, compete the employment application and return it to Station 68 during business hours.
The selection process is as follows:
1. Applications packets are reviewed to see if you are eligible to participate.
2. Persons found to be eligible will be notified of a date and time for an oral board interview. You must have a valid CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test) in order to schedule an oral board interview. You can schedule a CPAT test through National Testing Network. See http://nationaltestingnetwork.com for details.
3. Top candidates from the oral board interview will be given a conditional offer.
4. Candidates given a conditional offer will be given a medical physical that certifies physical health. (The fire district will cover all costs to complete this physical).
5. Finally, the candidate must pass the background investigation. A criminal history and driver check will be completed. References, family members and past employers will be contacted as well.
6. Persons found eligible will be notified of a date and time for orientation. The orientation will include the following:
- Fitting for district provided personal protective equipment.
- Fitting for class B and C Uniform. This consist of a uniform, pants, shirts, t-shirts, running shorts, belt and duty boots.
- Issued GRIT SOP Manual, practice rope, and schedule.
8. The recruit will sign a commitment contract.
9. Recruits will begin Phase I – GRIT
For more information contact the Getchell Fire Station at 360-659-6400.
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