Village of Streamwood (IL) FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC
Village of Streamwood (IL) is accepting apps for FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC. Until Aug. 31, 2016 Salary $58,738 – $85,459 annually For details about this career and over 3,500 other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today…
Job Announcement
Applications: Application packets are available at the Police Department, 401 East Irving Park Road twenty-four hours a day, and at www.streamwood.org/jobs. Applications will be accepted until Noon, Wednesday, August 31, 2016. There is a $15 application processing fee. Your complete application, fee and required documents must be received by this time for you to be eligible to take the Firefighter/Paramedic written test.
The application and required documents may be:
? Mailed to Human Resources, 301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107; or
? Returned in person, on business days between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, to Human Resources, 301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois, or ? Returned in person, on weekends and evenings, to the Police Department, 401 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois.
If applications are mailed or returned in person to the Police Department on weekends or evenings, $15 application processing fee must be check or money order; if returned in person to Village Hall during regular business hours, cash, check, debit or credit cards are accepted.
Responsibilities: Respond to alarms to extinguish fires and protect life and property; respond to emergency medical calls during the normal shift and provide basic and advanced Paramedic life support services as required.
Starting Salary: The salary range for a Streamwood Firefighter/Paramedic is $58,738 – $85,459.
Employment Requirements: Applicants for the position of firefighter/paramedic shall be either [1] certified by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health as EMT/Paramedics or [2] National Registry Paramedic License or [3] certified by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health as an Emergency Medical Technician / B and must be enrolled in Emergency Medical Technician / Paramedic classes at an accredited degree granting college or university, at the time of application to the Streamwood Fire Department. Candidates must be fully certified EMT/Paramedics by the State of
Illinois Department of Public Health at the time of appointment. Applicants must have a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours of college credit from an accredited degree granting college or university (Courses below the 100 course level or those from a trade school and/or technical school are not applicable toward the required college credit.). Applicants must be citizens of the United States of America. Applicants must have a valid Illinois driver’s license. Applicants must have a current (issued within the past 12 months) Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) with ladder climb certificate. Applicants must be at least twenty (20) years of age, but not have reached their thirty-fifth (35) birthday, as of the last date for filing of applications. A copy of applicant’s birth certificate is required to be submitted at the time of application. Applicants must have reached their twenty-first (21) birthday, but not their thirty-sixth (36) birthday, by hire date.
Residence Area: Upon appointment, Firefighter/Paramedics are required within one year to reside within that portion of Illinois that lies north of Interstate 80.
Two Year Eligible List: The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will be preparing a 2-year eligible list for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic, which will be used for the hiring of all Firefighter/Paramedics for a 2-year period.
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Examination Process: The Written Examination will be given on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Applicants submitting complete employment applications with all the required documents will be notified by mail of the time and location of the examination.
Questions: Questions can be addressed to Human Resources, 301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107. Telephone: 630-736-3800. Equal Opportunity Employer.
(630) 736-3800 (TDD 630-736-3798)
To: All Firefighter/Paramedic Applicants
From: The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Date: July 15, 2016
Subject: Testing Information / Required Documents
Your completed employment application, $15 application processing fee and all required documents
listed below must be received no later than NOON, Wednesday, August 31, 2016. The application
form, $15 fee and required documents may be:
? Mailed to Human Resources, 301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107; or
? Returned in person, on business days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., to Human Resources,
301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois, or
? Returned in person, on weekends and evenings, to the Police Station, 401 East Irving Park
Road, Streamwood, Illinois.
If applications are mailed or returned in person to the Police Department on weekends or evenings, $15
application processing fee must be check or money order; if returned in person to Village Hall during
regular business hours, cash, check, debit or credit cards are accepted.
The $15 application fee and following documents MUST be received:
1. A completed, signed, and dated Village of Streamwood Employment Application Form.
2. A completed, signed and dated Village of Streamwood Fire Service Certification Form.
3. A completed, signed, and dated Village of Streamwood EMT/Paramedic Status Form with a copy
of your State of Illinois Department of Public Health Paramedic license OR National Registry
Paramedic License OR a copy of your State of Illinois Department of Public Health Emergency
Medical Technician / B license and a letter of good standing that documents current participation
in EMT-P classes from your Paramedic Class Director/Coordinator on school stationary as proof of
current enrollment in Emergency Medical Technician / Paramedic classes at an accredited degree
granting college or university.
4. A completed, signed, and dated Village of Streamwood College Transcript Tracking Form and an
original certified College transcript, in a sealed envelope, on tamper-proof paper, indicating
successful completion of a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours of college credit from an
accredited degree granting college or university as listed by the Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (www.chea.org) or the U.S. Department of Education (www.ed.gov). (Courses
below the 100 course level or those from a trade school and/or technical school are not applicable
toward the required college credit.)
5. A copy of a certified birth certificate issued by a unit of government (usually the State or County of
your birth).
6. A copy of all legal name change documents, if name is different from Birth Certificate.
7. Proof of United States Citizenship (U.S. Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, or Naturalization Papers).
8. A legible copy of your driver’s license (with an identifiable photograph) which accurately reflects
your current address.
9. A current (issued within the past 12 months) Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness/Fitness
Initiative Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) certificate with ladder climb exercise certificate.
(Candidates must also provide a current, valid CPAT certificate with ladder climb certificate at time of
10. A completed, signed, and dated Village of Streamwood Preference Points Eligibility/Request
Form, with the required documentation.
Applicants submitting incomplete employment applications, or application packets without the
required documents, WILL BE DISQUALIFIED from the testing process and notified by mail.
Additional Employment Requirements
Applicants for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic must be at least twenty (20) years of age, but not
have reached their thirty-fifth (35) birthday, as of the last date for filing of applications. Applicants must
have reached their twenty-first (21) birthday, but not their thirty-sixth (36) birthday, by date of hire.
Residence Area
Upon appointment, Firefighter/Paramedics are required within one year to reside within the following
boundaries: That portion of Illinois that lies North of Interstate 80.
Testing Process
The Written Examination will be given on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Applicants submitting
$15.00 application fee, complete employment applications, application packets with all the required
documents and original certified college/university transcripts will be notified by mail of the time and
location of the Written Examination.
Firefighter/Paramedic Hiring Process
The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners will be preparing a 2-year eligible list for
the position of Firefighter/Paramedic, which will be used for the hiring of all Firefighter/Paramedics
for that 2-year period. Firefighter/Paramedic candidates are offered employment based on their
position on the Final Eligible List.
Firefighter/Paramedic candidates must successfully complete an extensive police background
check, a reference check, a polygraph examination, a psychological examination, a physical
examination which includes a drug screen, and present a current (issued within the past 12
months) Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness/Fitness Initiative Candidate Physical
Ability Test (CPAT) certificate with ladder climb exercise certificate before the final offer of
employment is extended.
Village Web Site
Additional information on the Village of Streamwood and the Streamwood Fire Department can be
found by visiting our web site at www.streamwood.org.
Questions Concerning The Application Process
Questions concerning this application process can be addressed to Human Resources, 301 East Irving
Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107. Telephone: 630-736-3804.
Thank you for your interest in employment with the Streamwood Fire Department!
630-736-3800 (TDD – 630-736-3798)
Equal access to Village programs, services and employment is available to all persons. Applicants requiring accommodation for the application, testing
and/or interview process must file a formal written request with Human Resources prior to the application due date for the position for which the
accommodation is being requested.
Position Applied For Date of Application
Name: (Last) (First) (Middle)
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Drivers License No. Home Phone: (____________)
Type of employment desired (Check all that apply)
___ Full-Time ___ Part-Time Cell Phone: (____________)
___ Year Round ___ Seasonal ___ Temporary
Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States? ___ Yes ___ No e-mail address: __________________________________
(Proof of U.S. citizenship or immigration status will be required upon employment.)
Have you ever used, sold or exchanged illegal drugs? ___ Yes ___ No Date available for work:
Have you been convicted of a felony in the last seven (7) years? ___ Yes ___ No
(Such conviction may be relevant if job related, but is not an automatic bar to employment with the Village. Except with respect to law
enforcement agencies, applicants are not obligated to disclose sealed or expunged records of conviction.)
If yes, please explain:
List your last four (4) employers, starting with the most recent, including military experience:
Employed By: From To
Address: Phone ( )
Job Title: Name and Title of Supervisor
Starting Salary: Ending Salary: Reason for leaving:
Briefly describe the nature and duties of your position:
Employed By: From To
Address: Phone ( )
Job Title: Name and Title of Supervisor
Starting Salary: Ending Salary: Reason for leaving:
Briefly describe the nature and duties of your position:
Employed By: From To
Address: Phone ( )
Job Title: Name and Title of Supervisor
Starting Salary: Ending Salary: Reason for leaving:
Briefly describe the nature and duties of your position:
Employed By: From To
Address: Phone ( )
Job Title: Name and Title of Supervisor
Starting Salary: Ending Salary: Reason for leaving:
Briefly describe the nature and duties of your position:
Give name, address and telephone number of three references who are not related to you.
1. ( )
2. ( )
3. ( )
? I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. It is understood and agreed that any misrepresentation
by me in this application will be sufficient cause for cancellation of this application and/or separation from the Village’s service if I have been employed.
? I give the Village the right to investigate all references and past employment and to secure additional information about me, if job related. I hereby release
from liability the Village, its employees and its representatives for seeking such information and all other persons, corporations or organizations for furnishing
such information.
? I understand that any employment given to me as a result of my application will require that I undergo a comprehensive background investigation. I agree to
cooperate in such investigation. My signature below serves as authorization for the Village or any third party (collectively “Investigator”) to contact other
appropriate sources as a part of a background investigation on me. The Village, its employees, the Investigator and any person or entity contacted is hereby
released and held harmless based on information obtained or provided and any decision made based on such information obtained. A copy of my signature
shall be deemed an original for purposes of obtaining information.
? I understand that either as a condition of the Village’s pre-employment testing process or as a condition of employment I may be required to complete
satisfactorily a physical agility test, physical examination, including testing for drug and/or alcohol use, polygraph testing, psychological testing and credit
check. I authorize the release of the results of those tests and exams to the Village. I release the Village, its employees and all third party contractors from any
claim arising out of such exams and tests, and waive all rights to damages of any form I may suffer from submitting to such exams and tests.
? I hereby authorize any Municipal, County, State or Federal Criminal Justice Agency to release information concerning the existence or non-existence of any
criminal record information. I agree to hold harmless the Village, its employees and those Criminal Justice Agencies and their employees from any action or
claim arising out of the release of such information and waive all rights to damages of any form I may suffer from the release of such information.
? I hereby authorize all present and past employers to provide the Village of Streamwood with all information concerning me in their possession collected under
the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. This shall include, but not be limited to, information on alcohol tests with a concentration result of
0.04 or greater, positive controlled substances test results, refusals to be tested, subsequent substance abuse professional evaluations and/or determinations and
return-to-duty test results. I hereby release the Village of Streamwood and its employees, all present and past employers and their employees, from liability for
furnishing such information and I waive all rights to damages of any form I may suffer as a result of furnishing such information or on any decision made based
upon such information.
? I understand that, just as I can terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason, so too, the Village may terminate my employment or change
any term or condition of employment at any time and for any or no reason, with or without notice. I understand that no representative of the Village has the
authority to make any assurances to the contrary.
? I understand that the Village is an Equal Opportunity Employer, the Village does not discriminate in employment and no question on this application is used for
the purpose of limiting or excusing any applicant’s consideration for employment on a basis prohibited by local, state or federal law.
? I understand that it is the Village’s policy not to refuse to hire a qualified individual with a disability because of that person’s need for an accommodation that
would be required by the ADA.
? I certify that I have read and understood the foregoing agreement and that no one has made any promise or agreement contrary to it, and agree to be bound by
its terms.
High School Name and Location
Years completed: 9 10 11 12 Diploma/Degree
College/University Name and Location:
Years Completed: Diploma/Degree
Describe Course of Study:
Other – Name and Location:
Years Completed: Diploma/Degree
Describe Course of Study:
Please document your attainment of the Qualifications listed in the Job Announcement for the position for which you are applying.
You must meet these Qualifications in order to be eligible for the position and to take any required written examination.
List any additional licenses, certificates, computer software knowledge, skills, experiences or training that may qualify you for work with the Village.
How did you hear about this employment opportunity? Newspaper ____ Streamwood Cable TV Channel 6 or 13 ____
Community Events Sign ____ Streamwood Web Page: www.streamwood.org _____ Other:
(Please list)
Village of Streamwood
Fire Service Certifications
If any Fire Service Certifications have been obtained, please complete the list of certifications
below by including the date received and the Academy attended for the certification. If no Fire
Service Certifications have been received, please indicate by checking the box below.
? No Fire Service certifications have been received.
Certification Date Academy
Firefighter II
Firefighter III
Firefighter Basic
Firefighter Advanced
Hazmat Awareness
Hazmat Operations
Technical Rescue Awareness
Fire Service Vehicle Operator
Fire Apparatus Engineer
____________________________ _____________________
Print Name Date
Village of Streamwood
EMT/Paramedic Status Form
To: The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
From: _________________________________
(print name)
I understand, that in addition to the other requirements listed in this application packet, I must comply
with the following requirements:
Applicants for the position of firefighter/paramedic shall be either [1.] certified by the State of
Illinois Department of Public Health as EMT/Paramedics or [2.] National Registry
Paramedics or [3.] certified by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health as an
Emergency Medical Technician / B and must be enrolled in Emergency Medical Technician /
Paramedic classes at an accredited degree granting college or university as listed by the
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (www.chea.org) or the U.S. Department of
Education (www.ed.gov), at the time of application to the Streamwood Fire Department.
Candidates must be fully certified EMT/Paramedics by the State of Illinois Department of
Public Health at the time of appointment.
Check the appropriate item.
__________ Attached please find a copy of my State of Illinois Department of Public Health
EMT/Paramedic license.
__________ Attached please find a copy of my National Registry Paramedic license.
__________ Attached please find a copy of my State of Illinois Department of Public Health
Emergency Medical Technician / B license and a letter of good standing that documents my current
participation in EMT-P classes from my Paramedic Class Director/Coordinator on school stationary
as proof of current enrollment in Emergency Medical Technician / Paramedic classes. I expect to
receive my EMT/Paramedic license by (list date) _______________.
Signature Date
Village of Streamwood
College Transcript Tracking Form
To: Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Village of Streamwood
From: _________________________________
(print name)
Re.: Certified College Credit Hour Transcripts
Please check the appropriate item:
_____ I have enclosed an original certified College transcript, in a sealed envelope, on tamperproof
paper, indicating successful completion of a minimum of sixty (60) semester hours
of college credit from an accredited degree granting college or university as listed by the
Council for Higher Education Accreditation (www.chea.org) or the U.S. Department of
Education (www.ed.gov).
_____ I have enclosed all requested documents, with the exception of an original certified
transcript of college credits. I have requested that _______________________________
(print college/university name)
mail a sealed, original, certified copy of my college transcripts on tamperproof paper
directly to:
Human Resources
Village of Streamwood, Illinois
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
I understand that these transcripts must be received by the Village of Streamwood Human
Resources, 301 East Irving Park Road, Streamwood, Illinois 60107 by Noon,
Wednesday, August 31, 2016, or my application will be considered invalid.
Signature Date
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Preference Points Eligibility/Request Form
PLEASE NOTE — The Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners provides preference points
to firefighter/paramedic applicants in specific instances. The first four paragraphs of this form describe
those instances. Please read the below listed paragraphs carefully. Print your name only in the
paragraph(s) that apply.
If you do not qualify for preference points please print your name in the fifth paragraph.
Please Print Your Name Only In The Paragraph(s) That Apply And Sign This Form.
I (print name) ____________________________________hereby request any preference points that may
be due to me by virtue of my status as a veteran of the military service of the United States for total period
of at least one year and who was honorably discharged, or who is now on inactive or reserve duty in such
military service. I have provided evidence of qualifying military service as listed above (DD 214 Copy
#4; DD 214 Copy #1 and proof of honorable service from the Department of Defense such as a DD 256
A/N/AF; or other official Department of Defense documentation) with the original application for
I (print name) ____________________________________ hereby request any preference points that may
be due to me by virtue of my status as a firefighter II or firefighter-basic. I have provided evidence in the
form of a State Fire Marshal Certificate with the original application for employment.
I (print name) ____________________________________hereby request any preference points that may
be due to me by virtue of my status as a full-time certified firefighter II or firefighter-basic – paramedic
who is currently employed and in good standing by an Illinois municipality or a fire protection district for
a minimum of a continuous 2-year time period. I have provided evidence of qualifying employment from
my municipality or fire protection district’s Human Resources Department and proof of firefighter II or
firefighter-basic – paramedic status as listed above with the original application for employment.
I (print name) ____________________________________hereby request any preference points that may
be due to me by virtue of my status as a formal graduate of a bachelor’s degree program (B.A. or B.S.)
from an accredited degree granting college or university as listed by the Council for Higher Education
Accreditation (www.chea.org) or the U.S. Department of Education (www.ed.gov). I have provided
evidence of qualifying degree (an original certified College transcript, in a sealed envelope, on tamperproof
paper) at the time of application.
I (print name) ____________________________________do not qualify for the above listed preference
Preference points will NOT be awarded if the required evidence of military service, qualifying
employment and state certifications are not included with the original application for employment.
___________________________________ ____________________
Applicant Signature Date
2016 Firefighter/Paramedic Candidate Information
Thank you for your interest in the Village of Streamwood and in our Fire Department. The
Village of Streamwood is a vibrant, growing community and an excellent place to work and live.
The Streamwood Fire Department enjoys a reputation as an active and progressive department.
In order for you to get to know the Village and our Fire Department better we have assembled
the following information.
Community Background
Streamwood has evolved from a rural farmland area to a high-growth residential suburban
community of nearly 40,000 residents since its establishment in 1957. Its location and proximity to
major roadway and commuter rail transportation facilities offers a suburban lifestyle for many
residents who work at commercial and industrial sites within and nearby the community as well as
for those who commute to Chicago, 24 miles southeast of Streamwood. The community possesses
a cross-section of people from every walk of life, which spreads widely across the economic
spectrum. White collar, blue collar, and professional families have all found a niche in Streamwood
community life.
Streamwood has six public elementary schools (kindergarten through 6th), one parochial school
(kindergarten through 8th), two junior high schools (7th through 8th), and one high school (9th
through 12th). Civic groups, clubs, and service organizations enhance the quality of life in
Streamwood. Among the local clubs and organizations are the Kiwanis Club, Amvets, VFW
Chapters, Boy Scout and Girl Scout organizations, and Woman’s Club. Teen clubs, church groups,
art and theater organizations, soccer, baseball, hockey, football, and diving clubs help fill out the
roster of organizations. The Poplar Creek Library in Streamwood has an excellent facility with
roughly 90,000 square feet. The library is also a part of the DuPage Library System, giving
residents access to the libraries of surrounding communities, as well as their own. Primary and
advanced medical treatment is provided at a number of modern facilities in or near the community,
including the Streamwood Family Medical Center.
Streamwood’s over eight square miles of community land offers a blend of those ingredients that
make a vital and productive community: attractive homes, parks and recreation facilities,
convenient shopping, and growing industry. Much of Streamwood’s attraction stems from its
homes and varied residential areas. Home lots range from 7,800 square feet in some areas to one
acre lots in others. Though luxury homes and multiple family units give Streamwood home buyers
a wide range of options to choose from, the bulk of the Village’s housing is made up of quality midpriced
Human Resources
301 East Irving Park Road
Streamwood, Illinois 60107
(630) 736-3800 (TDD 630-736-3798)
A 4,500 acre forest preserve stands as a serene backdrop for Streamwood’s northern subdivision.
The Streamwood Park District operates 48 neighborhood parks, a community center and a
recreation center that includes a full-size swimming pool, a gymnasium and an active fitness
program. The Streamwood Park District also operates an extensive youth sports program. A few
remaining corn fields and numerous horse ranches serve as reminders of the pastoral days that
preceded Streamwood’s continuing development; today they are comfortably nestled among the
industrial and residential developments in the community.
Village Government
The Village of Streamwood was incorporated in 1957. The Village operates under the Council-
Manager form of government, adopted by referendum. The legislative policy-making body of the
Village is made up of the Village President and six Trustees, all of whom are elected at-large on a
non-partisan basis for four-year overlapping terms of office.
The Departments of the Village, in addition to the Village Manager and Village Clerk include the
Community Development Department, Finance Department, Fire Department, Police Department,
Human Resources Department, and the Public Works Department. The Village owns a Golf Course
and contracts out its management. The Village provides water distribution and wastewater
collection utilities and is a member of a suburban Joint Action Water Agency which provides water
from Lake Michigan. The Village employs approximately 182 full-time employees.
Fire Department
The Streamwood Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1958 to serve the growing needs
of the community. The Village of Streamwood established a municipal Fire Department in 1969.
From its modest beginning as a volunteer department, the organization has grown to a dynamic,
full-service fire department.
The Fire Department currently includes 50 professional full-time sworn employees (1 Chief, 1
Deputy Chief, 3 Battalion Chiefs, 9 Lieutenants and 36 Firefighter/ Paramedics). Through their
efforts, the Fire Department provides fire suppression, fire prevention, rescue, emergency
medical and public education services to all those that live in, work in or visit the Village of
During 2015, the Fire Department responded to 3,695 requests for service. Streamwood is a
member of the Northwest Central Dispatch System and all of the Village’s emergency calls are
answered at their center. Emergency medical services comprise 69% of the department’s total
call volume. The Village maintains three advanced life support ambulances and three advanced
life support fire companies to provide quality care to our residents.
Each member of the department is required to maintain paramedic certification because of the
Village’s strong commitment to emergency medical services. During 2015, the Streamwood Fire
Department responded to 45 fire incidents.
All of the full-time firefighter/paramedics are assigned to a shift that works 24 hours on duty
followed by 48 hours off. This three-shift rotation system includes every ninth duty day off as a
Kelly Day. Firefighter/paramedics regularly work holidays that would normally be off days for
family and friends. The department provides holiday pay for each employee assigned to work a
holiday. Firefighter/paramedics also earn between seven to twelve 24-hour vacation days each
year, depending on longevity with the department.
Fire Administration and the professional firefighters association have forged a strong partnership
dedicated to providing excellent customer service. In addition to fire and EMS, the department
provides hazardous materials response and technical rescue service.
The men and women that proudly serve as members of the Streamwood Fire Department provide
quality service through a strong commitment to customer-oriented public service, training and
continuing education. The department offers many opportunities for career advancement and
professional growth.
As a member of the Fire Department team, you will be challenged both physically and mentally.
Our team members are ready to meet these challenges and are rewarded in their efforts by
knowing that they truly make a positive impact on the lives of others. Our new candidates will
best fit in as part of the team by demonstrating their enthusiasm to customer service and their
personal dedication to be a part of a quality organization.
Firefighter/Paramedic Job Responsibilities
Firefighter/Paramedics are responsible for protecting people’s lives and property through fighting
fires, rescuing people trapped inside fires, or assisting victims of medical emergencies. Working
as a team is a vital and necessary part of being a Firefighter/Paramedic. Through inspections and
safety education, Firefighter/Paramedics also work to prevent any unsafe situations or
conditions, so that life threatening and other dangerous situations can be avoided.
A person who likes to respond to a variety of emergency situations in which life, property, or the
environment are at risk, is able to be a team player, and is able to take orders as a member of the
emergency response team would make a good Firefighter/Paramedic. A person in this field must
be organized, maintain control in various situations and be able to think and act quickly under
Specifically, Firefighter/Paramedics respond to alarms to extinguish fires and protect life and
property; drive department vehicles to the scene of emergencies; lay fire hose and direct stream
of water/chemicals onto fire; position and climb ladders to gain access to burning structures;
communicate with Command Staff during fire by portable two-way radio; ventilate burning
buildings; participate in site control at emergency scenes; and assist in cleaning and returning
department vehicles to fire station.
Firefighter/Paramedics respond to emergency medical calls during the normal shift and provide
basic and advanced life support services as required; operate all emergency care equipment
during transport of victims to hospitals and administer medications as directed; conduct
examination of victims at scene to determine extent of injury and/or illness; administer initial
treatment at emergency scene; document vital signs, record all care and medical services
rendered, and provide other required emergency services. Observe, record, and report to
Physician patient’s condition and reaction to drugs, treatments, and significant incidents.
Pay and Benefits
The 2016 starting salary for a Streamwood Firefighter/Paramedic is $58,738. The 2016 top pay
is $85,459. New firefighter/paramedics earn 7 shift days of vacation and 13 Kelly days per year.
They also earn 12 hours of sick time per month and observe 7 holidays per year. Other benefits
include health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, deferred
compensation, flexible benefits program which allows for pre-tax payments for child care or
non-reimbursable medical expenses, credit union, an excellent training program and participation
in the Streamwood Firefighter’s Pension Fund. Uniforms are provided by the quartermaster
Test Results Notification and Interview Process
Firefighter/Paramedic candidates must pass the written test to be placed on the Preliminary
Eligible List and will be notified by mail as to whether they passed or failed. Candidates not on
the Preliminary Eligible List will not be included in the subjective testing. All candidates on the
Preliminary Eligible List must also successfully complete the oral interview process, to be placed
on the Firefighter/Paramedic Initial Eligible List based on their combined written exam and
interview scores. A Final Eligible List will be posted that will include written, oral and any
claimed preference points.
Two-Year Eligible List
The Firefighter/Paramedic Final Eligible List will be used for the hiring of all
Firefighter/Paramedics for a 2-year period. Only those people appearing on the final eligible list
can be considered for all Firefighter/Paramedic positions for this 2-year time period.
Firefighter/Paramedic Hiring Process
Firefighter/Paramedic candidates are offered employment based on their position on the Final
Eligible List established by the Streamwood Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
Village Web Site
Additional information on the Village of Streamwood and the Streamwood Fire Department can
be found by visiting our web site at www.streamwood.org
Thanks for your interest in the Streamwood Fire Department!
Comments are closed.