U.S. FOREST SERVICE – Region 5 (California)
This is somefollow up info taken from a pdf flier. All California Forest Service areas are in this text and how to make application, Good Luck
U.S. FOREST SERVICE – Region 5 (California)
Forestry Aid and Forestry
Temporary Wildland Firefighter
2012 Fire Season
Apply Now – Contact Captains ASAP – Job Offers may be made in
January and February
The Forest Service requires talented people working safely together to be successful. Wildland firefighters work in
a variety of specialized positions, including fire engine crews, fuels management, hand crews, helitack, interagency
hotshot crews, and patrol and prevention technicians. Some locations offer fire lookout positions. Crews often
travel throughout California and other areas across the country performing fire suppression and other incident
activities. The actual job title for wildland firefighter positions are “Forestry Aid and Forestry Technician”.
Pay scales and availability of government provided housing will vary by geographic locations. Firefighters are paid
an hourly rate and can earn overtime at 1.5 (time and a half) of their normal pay rate and hazardous duty pay at an
extra 25% in some circumstances. Housing/Barracks may be available at a nominal cost to employees.
Firefighters provide their own subsistence while at their home duty locations. The Forest Service pays living
expenses when on a fire assignment or project assignments away from home duty locations. Tour of Duty is
generally a 5 day work week of 40 base hours, with 2 days off. Scheduled days off are often cancelled due to
emergency assignments and overtime in excess of 400 hours during a 6 month fire season is not uncommon.
Selectees must be able to meet the arduous fitness level and complete a Work Capacity Test consisting of a 3 mile
hike within 45 minutes carrying a 45 pound pack as a condition of hire. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
Duties: Serves on a crew performing duties in fire suppression and/or fire prevention. Performs prescribed burning
duties in order to reduce fuel hazards and disease, while protecting wildlife. Assists fire dispatch by operating
radios, telephones, and other equipment to exchange information for fire weather information or other suppression
related activities. Lays fire hose in the use of water to control fire. Moves dirt, chops brush, and fells small trees to
build fire line using various hand tools such as an axe, shovel, Pulaski, and McLeod to control spreading wildland
fire and/or to prepare lines prior to controlled burning. Chops, carries, and piles logging slash. Searches out and
extinguishes burning materials. Patrols fire line to locate and extinguish sparks, flare-ups, and hot spots that may
threaten loss of control of the fire. Cleans, reconditions, and stores fire tools and equipment. When not engaged in
fire suppression or training activities, Forestry Technicians perform basic duties in support of fire, timber,
silviculture, recreation, wilderness, or research programs, projects, or activities. These duties may include road,
trail, station, recreational facilities maintenance, visitor contacts and other duties as assigned.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Apply to vacancy announcements via the AVUE Digital Services system –
https://www.avuedigitalservices.com/. You may also access the vacancy announcements through USAJOBS –
http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/ – and note: you will be redirected to apply through the AVUE website. Specific
information about the position can be found under the listing “Position Description” at both the AVUE and USAJOBS
websites of each announcement. Check out the “Talent Community” link and the “Wildland Firefighting” discussion
for helpful hints from the Avue home page. Applicants may select up to 9 specific duty locations that you would be
willing to accept a job offer. Applicants are encouraged to provide an attachment that lists preferred locations in
priority order. There may not be a second offer at a more desirable location. Applicants are strongly encouraged to
make personal contacts with Fire Management Staff at desired locations. Speak directly with Module
Leaders/Captains when possible. Confirm that vacancies actually exist at your desired location and Avue City.
Avue 2012 Temporary Employment Open Continuous Vacancy Announcement Numbers: (Same as 2011)
Job Title
Series/Grad Announcement Number Location
Forestry Aid (Entry Level Firefighter) GS-462-3 OCRT-462-3-FIRE-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fire Engine
Operator) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-ENGINE-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fire Engine
Operator IFPM) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-ENGINE-DT-REL2 Multiple
Forestry Technician (Hotshot) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-HOTSHOT-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Hotshot IFPM) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-HOTSHOT-DT-REL2 Multiple
Forestry Technician (Handcrew) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-HANDCREW-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Handcrew IFPM) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-HANDCREW-DT-REL2 Multiple
Forestry Technician (Helitack) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-HLTK-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Helitack IFPM) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-HLTK-DT-REL2 Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fire Prevention) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-PREV-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fire Prevention) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-PREV-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fuels) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-FUELS-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Fuels) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-FUELS-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Lookout) GS-462-4 OCRT-462-4-LOOK-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Logistics
Dispatcher) GS-2151-4 OCRT-2151-4-DISP-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Logistics
Dispatcher) GS-2151-5 OCRT-2151-5-DISP-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Dispatch –
Wildland firefighter experience required
IFPM) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-FFDISP-DT-REL2 Multiple
Forestry Technician (Smokejumper) GS-462-5 OCRT-462-5-SMKJMP-DT Multiple
Forestry Technician (Smokejumper) GS-462-6 OCRT-462-6-SMKJMP-DT Multiple
Selections and job offers may be made as early January & February, 2012
For additional assistance in understanding the hiring process, you may contact the Region 5, Fire
Recruiter, Rita Yates at (530) 621-5288, Cell (707) 334-1394, or Email ryates@fs.fed.us
Duty Locations – Avue Cities and Local Contact Information: Contact the Module Leader or Captains
and confirm the correct Avue City to apply to.
Angeles National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/angeles/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Arcadia (626) 574-5200, Glendora (626) 335-1251, La Canada-Flintridge (818) 899-1900,
Lancaster (661) 723-2715, San Fernando (818) 899-1900, Saugus (661) 296-9710, Valyermo (661) 296-9710.
Forest Civil Rights Officer (626) 574-5222 tmoreland@fs.fed.us
Cleveland National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/cleveland/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Alpine (619) 445-6235, Corona (951) 736-1811, El Cajon, Ramona (760) 788-0250.
Forest Civil Rights Officer – (Acting) Michelle Beauregard (909) 382-2730 mbeauregard@fs.fed.us
Eldorado National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/eldorado/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Georgetown (530) 333-5571, Grizzly Flats (530) 647-5342, Kyburz (530) 647-5318, Pioneer
(209) 295-5970, Placerville (530) 647-5339, Pollock Pines (530) 647-5465. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Thomas
Nichols (530) 621-5203 tnichols@fs.fed.us
Inyo National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/inyo/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations confirm the
Avue City: Bishop (760) 873-2508, Independence, June Lake (760) 648-7346. Lee Vining (760) 647 3044, Lone
Pine (760) 876-6236, Mammoth Lakes (760) 924-5500,Tom’s Place. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Julie Hall
(760) 873-2470 juliehall@fs.fed.us
Klamath National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/klamath/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Callahan (530) 467-3365, Fort Jones (530) 468-1267, Happy Camp (530) 493-1790 or
(530) 493-1791 or (530) 493-1745, Klamath River (530) 465-1502 or (530) 465-1515 or (530) 465-1505,
Macdoel (530) 398-4689 or (530) 398-4148 or (530) 398-4430 or (530) 398-4608 or (530) 398-4607, Scott Bar
(530) 468-1235, Seiad (530) 496-3353, Sawyers Bar (530) 468-1322 or (530) 468-1258, Cecilville (530) 468-
1318. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Barbara Stagg (530) 841-4489 bstagg@fs.fed.us
Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/ltbmu/ To be considered for the following Duty
Location confirm the Avue City: South Lake Tahoe (530) 543-2784. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Adrian Escobedo
(530) 543-2758 aescobedo02@fs.fed.us
Lassen National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/lassen/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Chester (530) 258-5135, Fall River Mills (530) 336-5521, Forest Ranch (530) 873-0580,
Hat Creek (530) 336-5521, Manzanita Lake (530) 595-4444, Mineral (530) 595-3506, Old Station (530) 335-
7424, Susanville (530) 257-4188. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Michael Green (530) 252-6603 magreen@fs.fed.us
Los Padres National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/lospadres/ To be considered for the following Duty
Locations confirm the Avue City: Arroyo Grande (805) 925-9538 , Big Sur (831) 385-5434, Carpinteria (805)
967-3481, Fillmore (805) 646-4348, Frazier Park (661) 245-3731, Goleta (805) 967-3481, Greenfield (831)
385-5434, Jolon (831) 385-5434, Los Olivos (805) 925-9538, New Cuyama (805) 925-9538 , Ojai (805)
646-4348, Piru (805) 646-4348, Santa Barbara (805) 967-3481, Santa Maria (805) 925-9538 , Santa
Margarita, Santa Ynez (805) 967-3481.Forest Civil Rights Officer – Sarah Majdiak (805) 961-5748
Mendocino National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/mendocino/ To be considered for the following Duty
Locations confirm the Avue City: Covelo (707) 983-8513 or (707) 775-1406, Elk Creek (530) 934-1270 or
(530) 963-1311, Paskenta (530) 934-1270 or (530) 833-5214, Stonyford (530) 934-1270 or (530) 963-
1311, Upper Lake (707) 775-1406 or (707) 775-1441, Willows (530) 934-1155. Forest Civil Rights Officer –
Barbara Leach (530) 934-1103 bleach@fs.fed.us
Modoc National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/modoc/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Adin (530) 299-3215, Alturas (530) 233-5811, Canby (530) 233-7960, Cedarville (530)
279-6116, Tulelake (530) 667-2246. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Mario Longoria (530) 233-8716
Plumas National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/plumas/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Beckworth (530) 836-2575, Belden (530) 284-7126, Berry Creek, Blairsden (530)
836-2575, Challenge (530) 534-6500, Chilcoot (530) 836-2575, Greenville (530) 283-0555, Doyle, Milford
(530) 836-2575, Quincy (530) 283-0555, Strawberry Valley. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Sonya Jones (530)
283-7891 sonyamjones@fs.fed.us
San Bernardino National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/sanbernardino/ To be considered for the following Duty
Locations confirm the Avue City: Big Bear (909) 382-2772, Fawnskin (909) 382-2772, Idyllwild (909) 382-2943,
Lytle Creek (951) 236-1925, Mentone (951) 236-1925, Skyforest (909) 382-2772. Forest Civil Rights Officer –
(Acting) Michelle Beauregard (909) 382-2730 mbeauregard@fs.fed.us
Sequoia National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/sequoia/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Blackrock (559) 539-2607, California Hot Springs (661) 548-6503, Dunlap (559) 335-
2550, Glenville (661) 536-8311, Havilah (661) 867-2753, Hume, Johnsondale (760) 376-2171, Kernville (760)
376-3781, Pinehurst (559) 336-2551, Porterville (559) 784-1500, Springville (559) 539-2607, Wofford Heights,
Lake Isabella (760) 379-5646. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Paulla Stephens (559) 784-1500 ext 1193
Shasta-Trinity National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/shastatrinity/ To be considered for the following Duty
Locations confirm the Avue City: Burnt Ranch – Big Bar – Junction City (530) 623-1870, Lewiston (530) 286-2255,
Coffee Creek – Mule Creek – Weaverville – Trinity Center (530) 623-1741, Hayfork – Platina (530) 628-1240,
McCloud – Mount Shasta (530) 964-3740, Mountain Gate – Lakehead – Big Bend – Redding (530) 242-5522 .
Forest Civil Rights Officer – Marilyn Loughrey (530) 226-2367 mloughrey@fs.fed.us
Sierra National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/sierra/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations confirm
the Avue City: Big Creek (559) 893-3419, Dinky Creek, Fresno, Mariposa (209) 966-2477, North Fork (559) 877-
2218, Oakhurst, Prather (559) 855-5355, Trimmer, Clovis (559) 297-0706.
Forest Civil Rights Officer – Mary McDonough (559) 297-0706 Ext 4880 mmcdonough@fs.fed.us
Six River National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/sixrivers/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations
confirm the Avue City: Eureka and Fortuna (707) 441-3548, Gasquet (707) 457-3131, Mad River, Ruth and Zenia
(707) 574-6233, Orleans (530) 627-3291, Salyer and Willow Creek (530) 629-2188. Forest Civil Rights Officer
– Kathy Allen (707) 441-3557 kmallen@fs.fed.us
Stanislaus National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/stanislaus/ To be considered for the following Duty
Locations confirm the Avue City: Groveland (209) 962-7825, Hathaway Pines (209) 795-1381, Mi-Wuk Village
(209) 586-3234, Pinecrest (209) 965-3434. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Michael Perez (209) 532-3671 Ext 425
Tahoe National Forest http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/tahoe/ To be considered for the following Duty Locations confirm
the Avue City: Camptonville (530) 478-6253, Downieville, Forest Hill (530) 478-6254, Loyalton, Nevada City,
Sierraville (530) 994-3401, Soda Springs, Truckee (530) 587-3558. Forest Civil Rights Officer – Mike Cruz (530)
478-6178 mcruz@fs.fed.us
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
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