
Tobey Stevenson

Dear Perfect Firefighter Candidate,

I want to send out a big thanks to the PFC staff for providing a superb service. Your staff provided me timely information that has given me the ability to realize my dreams. Your site helped me land the best job there is at the best department in Western Washington. I was hired by the Bellingham Fire Department nearly a year ago.

Every morning and evening I would look forward to checking my email to see if you had sent any test information. Your business saved me hours of phone calls and reading newspapers. These extra hours gained were turned into extra hours of studying, which is a must in today’s competitive job market.

If you are looking to become a firefighter, the PFC is a MUST. You need every advantage you can get today. So if you are serious and you want to get hired ASAP then study, study, study, and subscribe to this service. Persistence is a must and all the hard work is well worth the prize at the end of the journey.

Thanks a million,

F.F. Tobey Stevenson

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