Capt Craig Freeman

12 Steps – How To Become A Firefighter Faster – Guide by: Paul Card

How To Become A Firefighter Faster

Dear Firefighter Candidate-

I hope this guide helps you make your dreams of becoming a paid, professional firefighter come true…

It should be obvious that the steps aren’t difficult with a focused effort, and the time to complete them is under a year if you choose not to go to paramedic school and only as little as 18 months if you do.  This is a VERY small portion of your life and will put … Read the rest


Got The Love?

Its was 230 am…Again.  I couldn’t sleep, and my heart was racing.  I remember and staring out the window of my bedroom with the strangest mix of emotions.   My mind wouldn’t shut down.  I alternated between unbridled motivation and excitement to sheer panic.  This does not bode well for rest.

I’d figured out exactly what I wanted to do with my life.  Only a handful of people ever truly have the realization that there is a single thing that they … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

How to Become a Firefighter…

How to Become a Firefighter . Many theories exist on the right path to follow to be successful at becoming a career firefighter. Career firefighter jobs require an individual approach; the journey that works for one person may not be the same for another.
Generally speaking fire jobs require a unique set of pre-requisites and skills to be successful.
1) The candidate (you) must have a clean record free of chronic drug use, traffic issues, or felonies.
2) Usually an … Read the rest


How To Answer Firefighter Oral Board Questions. (Or…You’re Not Dan Allred.)

Have you had heroes in your life?

When I was young, it was “Superman”.

I’ve had very few as an adult who became a firefighter, paramedic, and student of the human condition.

I’ve learned that the term is thrown around by television and news to hype stories.  I also find that those news outlets typically begin looking for the “fallen hero” story before the ink has dried on their original story because it sells advertising.  A complete fool can be

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