
How To Answer Firefighter Oral Board Questions. (Or…You’re Not Dan Allred.)

Have you had heroes in your life?

When I was young, it was “Superman”.

I’ve had very few as an adult who became a firefighter, paramedic, and student of the human condition.

I’ve learned that the term is thrown around by television and news to hype stories.  I also find that those news outlets typically begin looking for the “fallen hero” story before the ink has dried on their original story because it sells advertising.  A complete fool can be

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3 Basic Tips for Surviving an Interview in the Fire Service

The quest for giving the perfect interview seems to be the desire of every aspiring firefighter. Making sure appearances are clean and professional, having the perfect resume printed on paper that probably costs more than its worth, and investing heavily in deodorant to handle the stress during the agonizing moments before your name is called in to interview are all things that everyone in the fire service seems to have experienced. The fact of the matter is that in many … Read the rest