San Diego Holds First Recruit Academy in More Than Three Years The 73rd academy will field 34 recruits
The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department is seeing its first academy in more than 3 years complete training. The 73rd academy will field 34 recruits, who will then join rank-and-file firefighters serving San Diego.
As is tradition with each class, nighttime drills are held which allow relatives and friends of the future firefighters a chance to observe, up close, exactly what being a firefighter is all about. Observing the demonstrations drove home not only how significant an accomplishment completing the training is, but also explained the tired, dirty, incredibly motivated future firefighters who made their way home each evening after 10-hour training days, only to rise up the next day to face whatever challenges instructors had planned for them.
Prior to the three-hour demonstrations, recruits and their guests ate dinner together, and then, as the alarms sounded, each group of recruits put on full PPE and marched in unison to their respective assignments. With veteran SDFRD firefighters observing, and under the watchful eyes of not only their guests but department brass, the firefighter recruits demonstrated their skills at fighting structure fires, car fires, ventilating roofs, conducting ladder operations, preforming search and rescue, rapelling from third-story windows, and executing vehicle extrication.
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