
Sammy Brown

Dear Perfect Firefighter Candidate,

I would like to express how grateful I am for your service. When I first became interested in a career as a firefighter I was calling city halls across California to find out when different municipalities and county fire agencies were going to test. This practice proved to be very expensive, not very effective and frustrating. After I took my first written exam for entry level firefighter I heard about Perfect Firefighter Candidate. I quickly called you and was excited to hear about the service you offered. Upon receiving PFC for Districts #1 and #3 my opportunities for a career in the fire service dramatically increased. With the assistance you provided I spent more time preparing for exams and less time trying to figure out which cities were testing.

I moved to Washington to receive invaluable experience as a student firefighter with Thurston County Fire District #9. I would never have made the move to Washington without the information PFC provided, regarding the opportunities outside my local area. I continued to test for fire departments relying solely on the notices from PFC until I landed the world’s greatest career as a Firefighter/Engineer for Coos Bay, Oregon.

Thank you very much for all of the helpful information.

Sammy Brown

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