
Regis C. Nebel III

Dear Perfect Firefighter Candidate:

My name is Regis Nebel and I am 24 years old, in fact I was hired 11 days after my 24th birthday and entered into the fire service with the Victorville Fire Department. I obtained my Associate degree in Fire Technology in the Fall of 2000. I dedicated my life to becoming a member of the best career choice in the world and thank God each and every day for this achievement.

I subscribed to P.F.C. because I heard that it was a good source to get out and test, and it paid off. I tested with city after city, each time finding ways I could better my testing skills in the written, oral boards, etc. I feel that with P.F.C. it took a little stress off of me, due to the fact that instead of worrying about finding cities to test for, all I had to do was log on and pick. I truly thank the hard work and effort put forward from the personnel at Perfect Firefighter Candidate. I also found helpful books that could be obtained. I STRONGLY encourage each person with the heart and desire to become a firefighter to join the P.F.C. family and grasp your goals and dreams.

Best Wishes to all and good Luck, Regis Nebel

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