PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER – South Metro Fire Rescue (CO)
South Metro Fire Rescue (CO) is accepting apps for PARAMEDIC/FIREFIGHTER Until: April 5, 2017. Salary $60,286. annually. For details about thousands of other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
South Metro Fire Rescue (CO)
is accepting applications for:
Para IV
South Metro Fire Rescue is looking for Entry Level Paramedic/Firefighters to join our organization. We are looking to hire candidates who may not have any previous fire and/or paramedic experience as we put all of our new hires through a 16-week academy, regardless of past experience in a career or volunteer department. It is unknown exactly how many positions we will be hiring at this time for the Fall 2017 Academy.
- High school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED)
(must provide a copy of HS or GED diploma or college transcripts with application)
- Must be 21 years of age or older by 12/1/2017
(must provide copy of driver’s license with application)
- Valid CPAT certificate through at least 4/21/2017
(must submit copy of cert with application)
Aims Community College is hosting the CPAT test on 2/25/17, 3/17/17 and 04/21/17, but space is limited so register ASAP to secure your spot – see http://www.aims.edu/academics/fire-science/cpat/ for details.
- Current Colorado EMT-P or National Registry Certificates accepted at time of application (4/21/2017); however, National Registry certificate holders must obtain Colorado State Certifications by date of hire (8/11/2017).
(must provide copy of cert with application)
- CPR Certified for the Professional Rescuer at time of application (4/21/2017)
(must provide copy of cert with application)
- Current ACLS Provider at the time of application (4/21/2017)
(must provide copy of cert with application)
- Possess or be able to obtain a Colorado State driver’s license by date of hire (8/11/2017)
- Possess a good driving history and be insurable by the District’s insurance provider
(do not provide a copy of your Motor Vehicle Record with your application as it will be pulled during the background process)
- Completed heptivac series or on schedule with the shot series or provide recent titer test results
(proof not required until pre-employment physical, post contingent offer)
- Must be able to pass a pre-employment background check, criminal history review, physical, fitness/wellness assessment, medical evaluation, drug screen and psychological exam.
**SMFR does not permit the use of marijuana within one year from contingent offer regardless of whether it is legal in Colorado**
Due to the high volume of interested candidates, we are not asking candidates to submit a job application at this time, rather if you wish to be considered for the position of Paramedic/Firefighter, you must register to participate in the hiring process no later than 4/05/2017at: http://www.southmetro.org/FormCenter/HR-9/Intent-to-Test-for-the-Paramedic-Firefig-77
Step #2 CPAT
Candidates are required to have a CPAT certificate that is valid through at least 04/21/2017. If you do not have a valid CPAT certificate you will need to obtain one by 04/21/2017.
Aims Community College is hosting the CPAT test on 2/25/17, 3/17/17 and 04/21/17, but space is limited so register ASAP to secure your spot – see http://www.aims.edu/academics/fire-science/cpat/for details.
Additional CPAT Resources:
National Testing Network (NTN) provides convenient professional administration of the CPAT in: Arizona, Florida, Oregon and Washington. Please visit https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/cpat_info.cfm
to schedule a CPAT through NTN.
CPAT Orientation Guide https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/pdf/CPAT_Orientation_Guide.pdf
Candidate Preparation Guide
Candidate Instruction Video
Candidates are required to take the FireTEAM test no later than 04/05/2017 with National Testing Network. You can take the FireTEAM test at a number of different testing centers across the United States on various dates. In order to take the FireTEAM test you must visit their website, identify a testing center near you and register to take the test. Space is limited so please don’t delay and register ASAP at: https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/search.cfm?position=2&state=All+States
FireTEAM scores are valid for up to one year. If you have taken your FireTEAM test prior to SMFR opening the Paramedic/Firefighter hiring process, please login to your FireTEAM account and add SMFR to permit us to view your FireTEAM score no later than 04/05/2017.
There is a $50 fee to take the FireTEAM test that will be at the candidate’s expense. For information on the testing process with NTN visit: https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/testing-process.cfm
The FireTEAM test is a video based test consisting of 4 different components: Human Relations, Math, Mechanical and Reading. Applicants will watch a video clip and respond to a series of related questions for the Human Relations, Math and Mechanical components of the test. The Reading component of the test requires applicants to read various texts and answer related questions. See https://ergopracticetests.com/?FTB for additional details and to take a practice test.
For frequently asked questions regarding the FireTEAM test and/or the National Testing Network (NTN) that administers the exam, please visit: https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/faqs.cfm
SMFR will pull your FireTEAM test scores following the 04/05/17 test deadline. A limited number of candidates will be invited to submit an application based on the FireTEAM test scores. The number of candidates who will be invited via email to apply has yet to be determined.
Due to the high volume of interested candidates, we are not asking candidates to submit a job application at this time, rather if you wish to be considered for the position of Paramedic/Firefighter, you must register to participate in the hiring process and complete your FireTEAM Test no later than 04/05/17 at:
Step 1) Register your Intent to Test: http://www.southmetro.org/FormCenter/HR-9/Intent-to-Test-for-the-Paramedic-Firefig-77
Step 2) Register to complete a FireTEAM test or add SMFR to view score: https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/search.cfm?position=2&state=All+States
Only a limited number of candidates will be invited to participate in the written exam following the application screening process. The written exam will tentatively be held in early June 2017. Specific exam dates and times are to be determined. The exam consists of approximately 100 multiple choice, true/false and fill in the blanks. The questions are produced from a test bank based on the Paramedic National Registry Curriculum. Candidates will also be required to provide a diagnosis on three 12 lead EKGs.
Only a limited number of candidates will be invited to participate in the practical exam following the application screening process. The practical exam will tentatively be held in early June 2017. Specific exam dates and times are to be determined. The exam will consist of four different assessment stations where candidates will be evaluated by SMFR Paramedic/Firefighters and outside Medical Professionals. There will be some downtime in between stations, in which the candidates will be required to write a short essay. The four stations consist of a medical scenario, technical knowledge assessment, rapid fire questions and an essay follow up. The practical is a combination of written and hands-on assessments.
A limited number of candidates who successfully pass the Paramedic Practical and Written exam will be invited to participate in the Oral Board process the following days after the Paramedic Practical.
Early April SMFR will invite a limited number of candidates (exact number TBD) to complete a job application based on the top FireTEAM scores with confirmation of a valid CPAT & EMT certifications.
April 21st Application deadline
Early May SMFR will invite a limited number of candidates to move on in the testing process after application screening process
Early June Paramedic Written, Practical and Oral Boards
Early June Contingent job offers extended via email
Mid-June – Pre-employment testing (fitness/wellness assessment, physical,
Early July psychological, drug screen & background) (several day time commitments)
Mid July Final job offers
August 11th SMFR Academy starts
Early December Academy graduation
**The hiring process timeline is subject to change at any time**
- 16 Week Academy – Para IV $60,286
- All candidates will go through 16-week academy regardless of previous experience and everyone is paid the same wage during academy.
- 2017 Paramedic/Firefighter Wages
- Para IV $60,286
- Additional Compensation
- SMFR strongly values education and in turn compensates employees who have a degree with an education differential as follows:
- Associates 1% of base wage
- Bachelors 2% of base wage
- Masters 3% of base wage
- PHD 4% of base wage
- SMFR strongly values education and in turn compensates employees who have a degree with an education differential as follows:
For all questions related to the Paramedic/Firefighter Hiring Process, please email Human Resources Employment at employment@southmetro.org
For more information regarding the Paramedic/Firefighter Hiring Process please visit http://www.southmetro.org/475/Recruiting
All Communication throughout the testing process will be sent to the email address that you provided on your application. Please be sure to enter your email address correctly on your application and check your email frequently, including your junk or spam email folder. All applicants will be notified of their status via email by April 11th, 2017 by 4:30 PM.
**South Metro Fire Rescue is an Equal Opportunity Employer**
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