New Year
Hello all,
As we come into the new year, I would encourage you to sit down and write out your goals. Researchers have found that those who take the time to put their goals down on paper have a much higher chance of reaching them.
For me, I will be finished with my Masters degree in a week. This is the culmination of a two year goal. I will be glad to be finished with it. My other goals are to get more entrenched in teaching the State Fire and Chief Officer courses. Also, I need to prepare my PowerPoint presentation for my two lectures at Firehouse World in San Diego in February. Additionally, I am going to take Driver Operator 1A and 1B. My department gives a bonus for having them. I need to get them finished so I can get the bonus. Lastly, we just purchased a new house (a major fixer)and are currently living on the floor of my daughter and son in law’s two bedroom apartment. It’s a little crowded with our 16 year old daughter, their 18 month daughter, three cats and a Chihuahua. Hopefully we get in to our new home next week. It’s been four weeks of drywall and paint.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I am going to go on a 14 day fishing trip on a long range boat out of San Diego. My goal is to catch a 300# tuna.
I wonder if I read my daughter’s list of New Year’s resolutions:
1. Get my parents out of my house…..do you think??
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