It’s Cold and Flu Season… Some alternatives…
EMS personnel are constantly exposed to all sorts of germs and ill folks. With Cold and Flu season starting, people are apt to get the flu 2 and 3 times this season. There are several natural alternatives that are not widely known. Let’s take some time to discuss some of the ways patients in my practice strengthen their immune system to ward off all the bugs flying around this time of year. Try one or all of these suggestions, and see what works for you!
Flu Shots:
Many older and infirm people choose to get a flu shot every year. I would never use my will to dissuade someone from getting a flu shot. But, I personally have never had one, and hope I never have to. It is my opinion, as a doctor in the field of alternative medicine, that I should avoid medicine as much as possible, and use natural and herbal means to strengthen my immune system so that I don’t need to use medicine- especially antibiotics. Antibiotics (like flu shots) are not a bad thing when we really, really need them. But, the secret is prevention- not to get to the point of needing them.
Again, these are a very important part of saving lives. Used well, they are something we cannot do without! But, they are too often handed out like candy. The main problem is: they are often used for colds and flu! They are not intended for that! Antibiotics are for bacterium. The flu and cold bugs are viruses! They don’t even work for viruses! Antibiotics, over used, squelch one’s immune system. They dampen one’s immune system because they kill the local bacteria. This kills even the good bacteria- especially in our digestive tract. The digestive tract is the main mode of transportation of bugs into our system. My generation grew up on antibiotics- every month or 2. I have not taken antibiotics since 1990. The further, in time I get from that, the stronger I get and the less often I get sick! Imagine that!
Again, I would never dissuade anyone from taking them- should they really need them. But: Strengthening the immune system can prevent people from having the need!
Organic Lemon Echinacea Throat Coat Tea*:
Make this hot tea with ½ a fresh lemon squeezed into it, plus a table spoon of local raw honey. The local bees use nectar from local flowers to make their honey. Using their honey sets your immune system to the local environment, and allows your immune system to function better. I t also soothes the throat. The lemon juice cuts the mucous, and frees breathing. The Echinacea stimulates the immune system. Carry this in your thermos all day every day, and see how you feel!
*This is made by Traditional Medicinals, and is available in most health food stores, and always at Whole Foods Markets.
Vitamin C:
Many people take this as an immune system booster. The jury is still out for some. Here’s a study I found interesting, which may interest the more active people out there:
“… the truth is that vitamin C probably can’t help the sedentary man
in the street very much, but almost all of the ‘good’ (randomised,
placebo-controlled, double-blind) research looking at the effects of
vitamin C on the incidence of colds has shown C to be extremely
effective during periods of increased physical activity. For example,
in a study carried out with 279 school-age children attending a
strenuous ski camp in the Swiss Alps, 22 per cent of the youngsters
taking placebo developed colds during a one-week period while just 12
per cent of the children taking in 1000 mg of daily C fell ill. Cold
risk was cut almost in half and the difference was statistically
significant (‘Ascorbic Acid and the Common Cold’, Journal of the
American Medical Association, vol. 235, p. 1108, 1976).”
Other studies show that long term mega dosing on vitamin C can cause cellular neoplasia. For that reason, I use Vitamin C very carefully… and take the RDA amount daily unless there is a real need for large doses.
Echanacea, Elderberry and Golden Seal:
Research shows that these promote the immune system to be stronger. I, personally, don’t take these, though I have heard dozens of my patients over the years tell me how well they work. More power to them!
Homeopathic remedies:
Homeopathic remedies have long been used by naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors, homoeopathists and Chinese medicine doctors as an alternative way to treat countless maladies. In my experience, some seem like they work and some do not. I have found 2 that I think are especially good. They can be found at almost any health food store- Whole Foods Markets for sure.
Influenzium by Boiron:
These bb sized pellets can be used all winter long. Some people even use this as a flu vaccine of sorts. They take 2 pellets every day from December through march. In my, and dozens of my patient’s experiences, it appears to help ward off the cold and flu viruses. If that doesn’t work, try the big guns:
Oscillococcinum by Boiron:
I have been sharing information about this remedy with my patient, players and friends for over 10 years. This is the best selling cold and flu remedy in Europe! And there’s a reason for that: it works! Everybody I introduce this stuff to is skeptical, and every single one of them calls me later to thank me for telling them about it! Taken as directed, it has gotten so many of my sick patients out of bed in a day, where the flu used to put them down for a week!
There has been some confusion over this remedy’s link to the bird flu. The truth is, it comes from duck liver. And the truth is, it is used to treat the bird flu. But, to my knowledge (and I have looked- exhaustively) there has not been one case where it has caused bird flu. Roomers- sheesh!
For clarification: I do not have any financial interest in the bioron corporation. My only interest is in getting people well, and keeping people well. It just so happens that I find these products to be very effective, and I want to share them with you!
Cold and Flu Broth
And finally, now’s the perfect time to fill your thermos with something hot to boost the immune system, and keep you warm! The cayenne will keep the sinuses clear, and the tasty broth is a mixture of vegetables known in natural health care circles to stimulate the immune system!
The mixture will keep a few days in the fridge, so make it, and use half one day and half the next! Hope you like it!!!
Cold and Flu Broth
4 cups purified water
2 cloves organic garlic/chopped
1/2 organic zucchini/cubed
3 medium organic mushrooms/cubed
1 cube organic vegetarian vegetable bouillon
12-15 fresh organic green beans/cut in half
Cayenne pepper to taste- make it zing!
Combine ingredients, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Drink through out the day when you have the flu or a cold. This entire recipe should be taken each day you are ill. This will stimulate your immune system and clear your sinuses as well and open your throat.
Hope your flu season ends smoothly!
Dr. Jen
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