
Healthy Holiday Appetizers


recently,  we went over four appetizers to steer clear of this holiday season – today we serve up healthy options for your cocktail plates!

  1. Crudités. The fiber in veggies will help fill you up, and they provide a nice, satisfying crunch. Choose a spectrum of colors (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots are good choices) and serve with low- or non-fat plain yogurt. Add some fresh herbs and seasonings for flavor.
  2. Mixed nuts. When eaten sparingly, nuts are a terrific snack. Walnuts are a favorite, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds and roasted soy nuts are also good choices. Nuts can be high in calories and fat (even if it’s the healthy monounsaturated kind) so don’t overindulge.
  3. Smoked salmon. Salmon (especially wild Alaskan sockeye salmon) provides omega-3 fatty acids, the anti-inflammatory, essential fats our bodies need for optimum health.
  4. Grilled figs and bleu cheese. Figs are high in fiber and antioxidants, and when combined with a bit of bleu cheese, provide calcium and protein – all in a delicious, easy-to-eat package.

For more healthy tips visit my website (underconstruction, but * Coming Soon* )

Be Well… and Be You…

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One Response

  1. pozycjonowanie krakow Says:
    December 13th, 2011 at 12:55 AM

    Highly useful data! A great benefit and beneficial to read through! Congratulations!