Florida Needs Firefighters
Over 55% of firefighters in Florida are CAREER firefighters. With 477 departments across the State 64.9% of all departments have full time CAREER FIREFIGHTERS, or about 310 fire departments are looking to hire CAREER FIREFIGHTERS.
Are you interested in becoming a CAREER FIREFIGHTER in Florida? We can help, our system has been in place for 32 years and we have the 411 on Florida firefighter recruitment. Our firefighter jobs boards are up-dated daily, our team of dedicated research specialists are in your corner to help you get your badge.
Membership ONLY $1.95. a month.
Is a Career as a Florida firefighter in your future? Let us help you find that perfect firefighter career, allow us to be a part of your team. Let us do what we do best, find you confirmed and relevant firefighter openings. I will promise to deliver the best firefighter recruitment information from across the State, allowing you to focus on training, education and getting yourself prepared to be the best candidate you can be without worrying about who’s taking applications. Join FireCareers.com today, Membership special offer $1.95 a month. Use Coupon Code METRO during sign-up and save over 80% off regular membership prices. That’s a monthly savings of $8.00 each and every month your membership stays current. We have never offered memberships this low, this is a very limited offer so act today.
Taking Applications:
Our Firefighter Job Board has 2,975 fire department recruitment’s posted RIGHT NOW. 145 Fire Departments in Florida are looking for CAREER FIREFIGHTERS or CAREER FIREFIGHTER PARAMEDICS including CHARLOTTE COUNTY taking applications for FIREFIGHTER/EMT until March 27, 2015 Salary: $41,408.64 /Year 17 Fire Stations
Month to Month FireCareers.com Membership ONLY $1.95. a month. Use Coupon Code METRO and let us help you save money. Save 80% using this special offer. This offer is a limited time offer and may end at any time.
Just wanted to say a big thank you to FireCareers.com for helping me achieve my dreams and goals. I utilized your services last year and got hired onto Sanford Fire Department in central Florida. I’m just finishing up with my first year as a firefighter/paramedic/engine…
Jason Dalrymple
Firefighter/Paramedic, Sanford Fire Department, FL
Thanks for your consideration, Craig 805.340.0043 call/text craig@firecareers.com
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