WILKES-BARRE — A civil service test for fire fighter/emergency medical technician positions with the Wilkes-Barre Fire Department will be held on March 11 of next year. The test will be held March 11 from 9 a.m. to noon in the cafeteria of the Kistler Elementary School, 301 Old River Road, Wilkes-Barre. The starting salary for the entry-level position is $48,871. The duties include firefighting, emergency medical services, vehicle and water rescue and fire inspection. The position comes with a benefit package of health/dental/prescription and life insurance, paid vacation sick leave and holidays and a pension plan. The city encourages women and minorities to apply for the position. Applicants must be at least 18 with a high school diploma or equivalent, a U.S. citizen, DD-214 as proof of military service and complete a civil service application. A $50 fee is charged for an application that is available from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the office of City Clerk on the fourth floor of City Hall, 40 E. Market St. Completed applications must be submitted to the City Clerk by Feb. 13. Eligible applicants will be notified of the time and date of the written examination. The top 25 highest scoring candidates will move on to take the physical agility exam to be held at 8 a.m. on April 22 at the South Fire Station, 313 High St. Candidates will participate in the following physical agility tests : • Smoke Drill: After instruction on the use of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus, each candidate will follow a charged hose line through a totally dark room, simulating a smoke-filled room, with SCBA in place. • Ladder Climb/Hose Hoist: After instruction, each candidate will climb the aerial ladder to a height of at least 50 feet and then hoist a donut-rolled section of hose into the bucket with a 5/8-inch tool rope. • Ladder Raise: After instruction, each candidate will complete a one-man raise of a 24-foot extension ladder. • Stair Climb with SCBA and High-Rise Bag: Each candidate will climb 10 flights of steps with a SCBA tank strapped to his/her back and carrying a departmental high-rise hose bag. This will be a timed drill of 1.5 seconds per step. • Hose Evolution: After instruction, each candidate will complete a hose connection involving several hose appliances. • Rescue Drag: Each candidate will drag the department’s training mannequin at least 100 feet. A maximum of five preference points will be added to a candidate’s score for: • Associate’s Degree in Fire Science Technology from an accredited institution of higher learning, two points. • Active Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Technician certification, two points. • Pennsylvania Fire Fighter I certification, one point. Documentation must be presented with an application in order to be credited preference points. Veteran’s preference and all other preference points will be applied after both exams are scored. The certified hiring list is then established and certified for a two-year period. All appointments to the position of fire fighter are made from the list. Before hiring, all candidates must successfully complete physical and psychological exams and undergo a background investigation including, but not limited to, driving, criminal, credit and employment history

FIREFIGHTER / EMT – Wilkes-Barre Fire Civil Service Comm. (PA)
Wilkes-Barre Fire Civil Service Commission (PA) is accepting apps for FIREFIGHTER / EMT. Until February 13, 2017. Salary $48,871. annually. For details about this career and over 3,500 other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
Wilkes-Barre Fire Civil Service Comm. (PA)
is accepting applications for:
Wilkes-Barre Fire Civil Service Commission sets entry-level job exam dates
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