City of Winter Park (FL)
Firefighter Salary Ranges (as of October 1, 2016)
- Firefighter/EMT: $41,360.95 – $64,585.11
- Firefighter/Paramedic: $50,668.62 – $79,119.78

City of Winter Park (FL)
Firefighter Selection Process

The Winter Park Fire-Rescue Department conducts a comprehensive selection process for the position of firefighter. Every applicant is required to complete all steps of the process before being placed on our eligibility list. The written Civil Service Exam is open to all candidates. However, an applicant must have certification/possession of the following items in order to be considered for placement on the eligibility list:
- High School diploma or equivalent
- State of Florida driver’s license
- State of Florida’s Firefighter Minimum Standards
- State of Florida Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic
- Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC) 16-hour
- Current CPR certification.
Applicants who successfully pass the written Civil Service exam with a score of 70 percent or greater may be selected to participate in the remaining portions of the selection process.
Reference and study material for written exam:

The written exam will take place
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
at the
Winter Park Civic Center
1050 W. Morse Blvd.
Winter Park, FL 32789.
› Testing will begin at 8 a.m. sharp. No one will be admitted after 8 a.m.
› No other testing day or time will be offered.
› Business dress required.
› Please arrive early to check in. Check in will begin at 7:15 a.m. Official photo ID is also required at time of registration.
› All applicants must be certified as a State of Florida Firefighter, State of Florida EMT or Paramedic, and have successfully completed a 16-hour EVOC course.
› Any testing candidate claiming veteran’s preference must so indicate on the registration form and bring a copy of their DD214 long form to the test.

The written exam will take place
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Other steps in the selection process include:
- Firefighter Skills Testing
- Personal background investigation
- Civil Service Board interview
- Polygraph examination
- Fire-Rescue Staff interview
- Personality testing
- Medical physical/drug screening
All Civil Service eligibility lists are valid for a period of six months from the time of the final certification.
The City of Winter Park offers a complete and comprehensive benefit package to all employees. Some of those benefits include:
- Above average working conditions
- Competitive salary ranges at all levels
- Paid vacation leave
- Paid medical absence leave
- Medical benefits with Aetna
- 9.5 paid holidays per year
- 12 paid “Kelly Days” per year
- FLSA required premium overtime hours
- Numerous detail pay hours opportunities
- Work exchange program
- Private retirement system (60 percent at 20 years service, 3 percent annual multiplier and DROP program)
- 2 percent matching 457 retirement account for Lieutenant rank and above
- Educational Reimbursement program – $1700 annually
Automatic Disqualifiers
Any applicant found to have one or more of the following in their background will no longer be considered for processing and will be dropped from any further consideration.
Criminal Record
- Conviction of a felony
- Conviction of a offense involving moral turpitude including any larceny concealment, bad checks, embezzlement or perjure
Driving Record
- Driver’s License under current suspension
- Driver’s License suspension within the past 12 months due to a moving violation
- DUI or Reckless Driving Conviction within the past three years
- Conviction of a misdemeanor hit and run
- Extensive traffic convictions (e.g. three within the past 24 months)
Drug Usage
- Any use of opiates or any illegal hallucinogen
- Any substantiated illegal act, including the possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any narcotic controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by state or federal law
- Any use, possession or purchase, of marijuana within 12 months before submitting an application or anytime thereafter
- Any illegal use of a drug or substance within 24 months before submitting an application or any time thereafter
The City of Winter Park is a drug free work place. If you use illegal drugs, please do not apply!
Current Agreement Between City of Winter Park and Winter Park Professional Firefighters, Local 1598, IAFF
Pension Information
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