FIRE CHIEF / City of Ashland (OR)
City of Ashland (OR) is accepting apps for FIRE CHIEF Until: July 31, 2017. Salary $96,971.00 – $130,106.00. annually. For details about thousands of other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
City of Ashland (OR)
is accepting applications for:
Position / Title: Fire Chief
Job posting date: 06/26/2017
87591 | |
City of Ashland | |
Chief Officer | |
OR | |
Ashland | |
97520 | |
Filing deadline | |
07/31/2017 | |
Paid Position | |
$96,971.00 – $130,106.00 Annually | |
http://agency.governmentjobs.com/ashlandor/job_bulletin.cfm?jobID=1779220&sharedWindow=0 | |
Qualifications The successful candidate will possess a minimum of seven years of senior or executive command level service, with at least five years as a Chief, Assistant/Deputy Chief or ten years as a Battalion Chief, in a comparable or larger sized fire department that is recognized for excellence and innovation. The Chief should possess a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Fire Sciences, Fire Administration and/or Public Administration. Graduation from the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Development Program, CAPSTONE EMS Management, or similar endeavors, and credentials as a Chief Fire Officer Designate (CFOD) is highly desired. Consideration will be given to candidates who possess a satisfactory equivalent combination of education, training and experience that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the duties of the job proficiently. Leadership and experience in communities of 20,000 plus residents is preferred. Experience and appreciation for mutual approaches to local and regional resource sharing, with emphasis on regional EMS delivery systems are highly desired. Demonstrated experience in working successfully within a collaborative labor relations/collective bargaining environment is required. A comprehensive understanding of the technical aspects of emergency scene management, fire prevention and public education programs, hazardous materials response, special tactical response, Homeland Security and emergency preparedness management will also be viewed favorably. Superior strategic planning skills, fiscal and budget management, along with excellent communications abilities must be demonstrated.
A working background and experience with issues associated with urban wildland fire interface and watershed conservation/protection programs are imperatives. Additionally, experience in a community with a strong university presence and/or active tourism industry is preferred.
Special Filing Instructions:
Contact Info:
To apply for this outstanding career opportunity, please submit a resume and cover letter no later than July 31, 2017, to:
ATTN: Tina Gray
20 E. Main Street
Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 552-2101
This job information was brought to you on Jun 26, 2017 by Firecareers.com
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