ENTRY LEVEL (H-2) FIREFIGHTER / City & County of San Francisco (CA)
City & County of San Francisco (CA) is accepting apps for FIREFIGHTER Until: Continuous. Salary $72,670.00 – $112,190.00 annually. For details about thousands of other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join FireCareers.com today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
City & County of San Francisco (CA)
is accepting applications for:
City & County of San Francisco
Department of Human Resources
Entry Level (H-2) Firefighter
Recruitment #CCT-H002-900310
Department | Fire Department |
Analyst | Erin Zadlo |
Filing Deadline | Continuous |
Salary | $72,670.00 – $112,190.00/year |
Job Type | Continuous CBT |
Employment Type | Full-Time |
Please be sure to read this entire job announcement before completing an application.
Description of Position:
Under general supervision, an H 2 Firefighter engages in firefighting and related activities for the saving of life and property; administers first responder treatment, including first aid; and responds to a variety of emergency situations involving public safety and medical care. A Firefighter also may be assigned duties in connection with fire prevention activities, including the inspection of businesses, schools, and homes to ensure fire safety; maintaining station quarters; and performing other duties as assigned. Firefighters are required to work 24 hour shifts, including weekends and holidays. During those shifts, a Firefighter lives and works in close quarters with three or more individuals. A Firefighter must cooperate and work effectively with the other members of his or her team.
Minimum Qualifications
Eligibility Requirements (verified during Background Investigation):
Age: Applicants must be at least 19 years old at the time of application and must be at least 20 years old at the time of appointment. [Civil Service Rule 310.15]
Education: Applicants must have a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate (e.g., G.E.D., California High School Proficiency Certificate) to apply.
Driving Record: Applicants must possess a valid Class A, B, or C California Driver License by the time of their appointment. Applicants will not be considered eligible to participate or to be appointed if any of the following occurred, or is in effect at any time, during the period from “one year prior to application up to the date of appointment”:
(a) Any offense that subsequently results in a conviction for driving under the influence, reckless driving, or hit and run with personal injury or property damage over $25.00.
(b) License suspension or revocation, three moving violations in 12 months, 5 moving violations in 24 months, or probation as a result of a driving-related offense.
[Note: Applicants who proceed to the Background Investigation phase of the selection process must provide on their background forms a full and complete listing of all motor vehicle violations. Any significant discrepancy between an applicant’s statement and the Department of Motor Vehicles’ records will result in disqualification.]
Criminal Record: Applicants must not have been convicted of a felony in this state, or in any other state or in any federal or other jurisdiction, of an act that would be considered a felony if committed in this state. Applicants must not have been on probation for a misdemeanor offense from one year prior to application through the time of appointment. Convictions for misdemeanors within one year prior to application will be evaluated individually, and may result in disqualification.
[Note: Applicants who proceed to the Background Investigation phase of the selection process must provide on their background forms a full and complete listing of all convictions. Applicants must disclose if they have ever been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor offense in California or in any other state or place, including entering a plea of nolo contendere or no contest, and including any conviction which has been expunged (set aside) under Penal Code Section 1203.4.]
how to apply
Application and Selection Procedures
Step 1: First, complete and submit an online application with the City and County of San Francisco. To do so, follow the steps below:
o Click on “Apply” at the top of this job announcement, then read and acknowledge the information
o Select either “I am a New User” if you have not registered before, or “I have Registered Previously”
o Note: You will need to use an e-mail address for login purposes. Use an email address that you will maintain throughout the examination process to receive all official communications
o Follow instructions on the screen
o After submitting your application online, you will receive an e-mail acknowledging receipt of the application. If you have questions regarding the online application process, please contact Erin Zadlo by email [Erin.Zadlo@sfgov.org].
o Computer kiosks are available for the public (from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday) to file online applications in the lobby of the Department of Human Resources at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor, San Francisco.
If you need assistance to recover your UserID and password, send an email to CCSFJobs@sfgov.org. Please provide your full name, the last 4 digits of your SSN, birth month and day and the first three letters of your last name at birth.
Step 2: Next, schedule yourself to take the “FireTEAM” Testing System administered by the National Testing Network (NTN). Do so by visiting the NTN Web site below: https://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/search.cfm?position=2&state=All+States
If you have problems scheduling the examination, the link for NTN Customer Support is: http://nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/contact.cfm
As part of this process, you will need to establish an account with NTN. A fee is required to take the “FireTEAM” examination. Candidates with demonstrated financial hardship may submit a request to have the fee waived prior to test registration. See “Candidate FAQ #25 on the NTN Web site to learn more on how to apply for a fee waiver. (www.nationaltestingnetwork.com/publicsafetyjobs/faqs.cfm)
Please note that the NTN Web site provides a description of the test components and directions for scheduling a test for the San Francisco Fire Department. The Web site also offers for purchase a practice test with sample test items.
selection procedures
1) Passing Score on the “FireTEAM” Testing System: This multi-component test administered by the National Testing Network (NTN) measures a variety of skills and abilities found to be critical for success as a Firefighter. There are four components to the “FireTEAM” Testing System: a video-based human relations test, a mechanical aptitude test, a math test, and a reading ability test. Testing takes approximately three hours. Again, applicants must schedule themselves on the NTN Web site to take this test. The City and County of San Francisco will notify applicants of their pass/fail status after receipt of their “FireTEAM” test scores from NTN.
2) Emergency Medical Technician Certification: Candidates must possess a current, valid Emergency Medical Technician – 1 Certification (EMT-1) issued by the State of California to be named on the eligible list. Possession of a current, valid CA Paramedic license [in good standing] may be provided in lieu of the EMT certification. Verification of this certificate or license must be submitted via fax to 415.557.4967 or sent via email to DHR-PublicSafety@sfgov.org. Candidates must be able to accredit with the local EMS Authority within the one-year probationary period. Candidates who currently hold an EMT-1 certificate issued by the National Registry may find information about transferring EMT certification to California at http://www.emsa.ca.gov/emt_frequently_asked_questions.
The following web sites provide information about EMT certification programs in the San Francisco Bay Area:
City College of San Francisco: http://www.ccsf.edu/NEW/en/educational-programs/school-and-departments/school-of-health-and-physical-education/Healthcaretechnology.html
Emergency Medical Services Authority: www.emsa.ca.gov/ and select “EMT Click Here”
Chabot College, Hayward: www.chabotcollege.edu/pe/EMT.asp
Santa Rosa Community College: www.santarosa.edu/ps/emergency-medical-technician.php
Cabrillo College, Aptos: www.cabrillo.edu/home/programs/ (select “Fire Technology”)
Candidate names will remain on the eligible list for a maximum period of 24 months. The Fire Department has the authority to hire any candidate named on the eligible list (“Rule of List”). Therefore, one’s placement on this list neither guarantees nor implies an offer of employment. Candidates who receive an offer of employment may waive the offer only two times. A third waiver of appointment renders candidates ineligible.
Departmental Selection Procedures:
The remaining processes will be used by the Fire Department to determine who shall advance in the hiring process and be considered for appointment.
1) Selection for Background Investigation: Selections will be made by the Fire Chief from among those candidates on the eligible list. Criteria for selection will include the following:
• Score on the Firefighter eligible list
• Additional Certificates: Firefighter 1, Paramedic
• Fire Science / Fire Technology coursework/degree
• State Fire Marshal courses
• Work experience as a Firefighter, Paramedic, EMT
• Proficiency in a second language relevant to San Francisco communities
• Demonstrated participation/involvement in community programs
• Experience in the United States Military
Applicants will be contacted by the Fire Department to submit verification regarding the above items prior to the Background Investigation.
2) Background Investigation: To determine fitness for employment as a Firefighter, background investigations will be conducted for selected candidates. Those candidates will have to submit to LiveScan Fingerprinting at the Department of Human Resources. Areas such as driving record, employment history and criminal record will be investigated, and applicants may be rejected for various reasons such as felony convictions or repeated or serious violations of the law. The outcome of the Background Investigation determines whether the candidate will be considered further in the selection process.
3) Certification of Passing the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT): The California Fire Fighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (CFFJAC) administers the CPAT. Applicants must take steps to register and schedule themselves with the CFFJAC to take the CPAT. To learn more about how to do this, please visit http://www.cpatonline.org where you will also find a description of the CPAT and a listing of facilities that administer this test in California. Events that comprise the CPAT are designed to simulate specific firefighting activities, and measure whether applicants have the endurance, muscular force, and coordination necessary to perform job tasks essential for successful performance as a Firefighter.
Applicants who pass the CPAT must provide verification by submitting their current CPAT card or certification (as issued by an authorized facility) to the Fire Department Background Investigation Officer at the time of the Background Investigation process. [Note: CPAT cards or certification older than one year at the time of background investigation are not considered valid and will not be accepted.]
There is a fee to take the CPAT. However, the California Fire Foundation strives to ensure that financial hardship does not prevent anyone from taking the CPAT. The Foundation has grants available to pay the CPAT fees for individuals who demonstrate a financial hardship. To learn more about the grant application and to see if you qualify, please visit http://www.cafirefoundation.org/go/cff/?LinkServID=270861A0-1CC4-C201-3EE684FE19C4D49B
4) Medical Examination: Following a conditional offer of employment, applicants will be required to pass a medical examination given by the Fire Department Physician. Conditional offers of employment will be extended only to those applicants who are likely to be selected for appointment to the Fire Academy. The medical examination will include evaluation of vision, hearing, and general medical condition, and screening for drugs and alcohol. Applicants will be evaluated with reference to “NFPA 1582, Standard on Medical Requirements for Fire Fighters and Information for Fire Department Physicians.” This document is available for review (read only version) and purchase through the National Fire Protection Association’s Web site, www.nfpa.org.
All medical conditions will be evaluated individually by the Fire Department Physician to determine the applicant’s fitness for employment as a Firefighter. Applicants who proceed to the Medical Examination will be required to complete a Medical History Statement. Any misrepresentation by an applicant on the Medical History Statement as determined by the Chief of the Fire Department will result in disqualification.
Vision Screening: Applicants must have a visual acuity of at least 20/40 in each eye, either unaided or aided by spectacles or contact lenses. If spectacles, hard contact lenses, or non extended wear soft contact lenses are worn, uncorrected vision must be at least 20/100. If soft contact lenses approved for extended wear use are worn, there is no limitation on the uncorrected vision, provided the wearer has successfully worn extended wear soft contact lenses for at least six months. Applicants who wear extended wear soft contact lenses must have their contact lenses approved for extended wear use by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, licensed by the State of California, subject to verification by the Fire Department Physician. If subsequently hired, applicants who use extended wear soft contact lenses must wear them at all times while on duty. Applicants must have visual field performance without correction of 130 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye. Color vision must be sufficient to identify red, green, and yellow colors.
1. Applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for this examination announcement can find information on requesting reasonable accommodation at: http://www.sfdhr.org/index.aspx?page=20#applicantswithdisabilities
2. Veteran’s Preference points will be awarded to qualifying veterans in accordance with Civil Service Rule 311. To be eligible, an applicant must have served on active duty (non-reserve duty) and been released from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable at the time of application filing. Applicants who served in the military after January 31, 1955 for at least 181 consecutive days of active duty prior to discharge may be eligible for Veteran’s Preference. Applicants who served prior to this date or who served in time of war or during an expedition for service in which a medal was authorized by the government of the United States may also be eligible. Widows/widowers or surviving domestic partners of deceased eligible veterans may also qualify for Veteran’s Entitlement credit. In order to be considered for Veteran’s Preference, applicants must submit a copy of their Form DD214 or other acceptable documentation and complete a City and County of San Francisco Veteran’s Preference Application. Widows/widowers or surviving domestic partners must also provide documentation of relationship to deceased veteran, and the veteran’s death certificate. Individuals who have received permanent appointment with the City and County of San Francisco from an eligible list and who successfully completed the required probationary period are not eligible for Veteran’s Preference Points.
3. Appointees must successfully complete the Fire Academy to begin their Firefighter probationary period. During the probationary period the employee must demonstrate the ability to perform the work assigned to the position, including successful rotations to various apparatus and completion of all field testing and evaluation. All time off taken will extend the probation end date by the same number of days.
4. Maintenance of a valid California EMT-1 Certification and a California Driver License, Class A or B is a condition of continued employment.
5. The City and County of San Francisco’s Substance Abuse Policy, in compliance with the Department of Transportation Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 employing the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regulations, requires drug and alcohol testing for employees in “safety-sensitive” positions. Some H-2 Firefighter positions qualify as “safety-sensitive” as defined by the FMCSA and FTA regulations. The selected applicants for safety-sensitive positions will be required to pass a Pre-Employment drug test prior to appointment and shall be subject to Random, Post-Accident, Reasonable Suspicion, Return-To-Duty, and Follow-Up testing during employment. Prior to appointment to an FMCSA position, each applicant who has participated in a DOT drug and alcohol testing program within the immediately preceding two years will be required to sign a consent form authorizing the City to contact his/her prior employers concerning his/her drug and alcohol test history.
6. In accordance with Section 3929 of the San Francisco Fire Department Rules and Regulations, whenever a conflagration, emergency, or disaster requiring the services of more than the available on-duty officers and members of the uniformed force of the Department occurs, off-duty members must report for duty when summoned by the Fire Chief, and may be assigned to perform emergency response operations.
7. Important employment information for the City and County of San Francisco can be obtained at http://www.sfdhr.org/index.aspx?page=5 or at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor.
8. Applicants must be guided solely by the provisions of this announcement, including requirements, time periods and other particulars, except when superseded by federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. Clerical errors may be corrected by the posting of the correction on the Department of Human Resources Web site at www.jobaps.com/sf.
9. The terms of this examination announcement may be appealed under Civil Service Rule 310.3, provided that such appeal is submitted in writing to the Department of Human Resources, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 by close of business on the 5th business day following the issuance date of this examination announcement. Go to www.sfgov.org/Civil_Service for more information on applicable appeal rights and submission requirements under the Civil Service Rules; and for Civil Service Rules, policies and procedures on announcements, applications and examinations.
10. Any changes to your contact information (name, e-mail address, home address, phone number, etc.) should be updated immediately. To update your contact information, go to www.jobaps.com/sf, click on “Update My Contact Info,” enter your UserID and Password, then enter your new information. You must click on “Update Contact Information” again at the bottom of the page in order for your changes to be submitted. Failure to maintain current contact information may result in loss of eligibility.
11. Applicants should keep copies of all documents submitted, as these will not be returned.
12. Appointees must make a declaration that they will not engage in strike related activity. The full text of this requirement is in Section 8.345 of the Charter.
13. Right to Work: All persons entering the City and County of San Francisco workforce are required to provide verification of authorization to work in the United States.
Disaster Service Workers
All employees hired on or after January 10, 2009 will be required (pursuant to San Francisco Charter Section A8.432) to contribute 2% of pre-tax compensation to fund retiree healthcare. In addition, most employees are required to make a member contribution towards retirement, ranging from 7.5%-13.25% of compensation. For more information on these provisions, please contact the personnel office of the hiring agency.
For more information about benefits, please click here.
Micki Callahan, Director of Human Resources
Announcement No: CCT-H002-900310
Issued: May 12, 2014 Amended: March 11, 2016
Public Safety Team, EZadlo, 415.551.8947
Click on a link below to apply for this position:
Fill out the Supplemental Questionnaire and Application NOW using the Internet. |
View and print the Supplemental Questionnaire. | This recruitment requires completion of a supplemental questionnaire. You may view and print the supplemental questionnaire here. |
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