Capt Craig Freeman

Firefighter Return to Work Program

Today I reviewed the Firefighter opportunities that are available across the country. The FireCareers boards provide a plethora of opportunities. At this very moment, Fire departments across the country are looking to add firefighters. As a matter of fact, 1,300 departments are accepting entry- level firefighter applications right now; and more than 1,300 agencies are looking to fill upgraded positions within their ranks.

Certainly, many fire departments are suffering budget cut backs, closing fire stations, reducing staffing with work furloughs … Read the rest


Playing the Game

When I speak to a person who wants to be a firefighter, I explain that it is important first to have the passion for the game, that to want to be a firefighter is consuming.


3 Basic Tips for Surviving an Interview in the Fire Service

The quest for giving the perfect interview seems to be the desire of every aspiring firefighter. Making sure appearances are clean and professional, having the perfect resume printed on paper that probably costs more than its worth, and investing heavily in deodorant to handle the stress during the agonizing moments before your name is called in to interview are all things that everyone in the fire service seems to have experienced. The fact of the matter is that in many … Read the rest


Financial Smarts For The Future Firefighter

While reading this morning’s Sunday paper, I came across an article in the Business section written by Susie Orman, recognized expert in personal finances, that I believe many current and future firefighters can learn from, especially in today’s economy.

She talked about a few key concepts:

1. You’re not entitled to an allowance.
2. A household requires cash to function.
3. You don’t need to spend every dollar you’ve saved.
4. You may not be able to afford the college … Read the rest


Paramedics working as EMT’s

I recently met with an aspiring firefighter who had taken the step to become a paramedic. He was an academy graduate and still could not get hired. He became a paramedic with the thought that it would help him get hired. Good plan, right?
Kind of……

Where his plan failed is that after completing paramedic school, he returned to his EMT job at the local ambulance company. Huge mistake! Here’s why…….
He is most likely going to be taking lateral … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

Fire Station Visits

This past couple of weeks we did a few station visits and had a blast doing it!

First, I got to visit the Berryhill Fire Dept. in Oklahoma. I was happy to hear that the department was taking firefighter applications in anticipation that a couple of paid positions may open. The engine room was full equipment the probationary firefighter who showed me around was a few weeks away from getting off probation

Next, we went by Fresno, CA City Station … Read the rest


My First Oral Board

I recently had my first oral board interview, and here I am going to tell about the experience; what it was like, and what I learned.

At this point in my pursuit of a fire service career I’ve taken only a handful of tests and only recently had my first panel interview.  I had assumed going into the interview that the panel would be made up of a variety of firefighters and senior officers from the department, but it turned … Read the rest


Safeguard Firefighter Health

Know the signs and symptoms of cardiac distress. Immediately report discomfort in the center of the chest, upper body, or feelings of pressure or pain, shortness of breath, a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness. Know that the symptoms of cardiac distress may include feelings of denial or doom.


A Short And Effective 3 Point Primer On Situational Questions.

Oral boards often include “Situational Questions”.  These are questions that require the candidate to answer as to what they would do when faced with situations regarding safety, conflicting orders, alcohol/drugs, gambling, etc.

The way to handle these questions is to think through what these questions are about as a whole and how to frame their answer for any situation that comes up.  Then, if you believe in what you’re saying, don’t be led astray by the inevitable follow up questions.

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Causes of Stress, for fire service and non fire service persons.

In order to eliminate or at least control stress, it is vital to know and understand the causes of stress. Of course, there are many causes of stress and they are as varied as the people who suffer from stress, but there are a few places to look first. And by learning about these causes of stress, you can figure out where stress is entering your life.


How To Become A Firefighter In Light Of The US Economic Situation. (For Bryan)

Bryan commented on a recent blog post:

“Thanks for the article Paul. It was a great read and I definitely agree that “the quickest road to success is one that leads straight to the ultimate goal.” I think step one, once you meet all of the requirements, is to practice written tests. I can’t tell you how many guys I know that have been trying to become firefighters for years and cannot even get past the written test process. I … Read the rest


Become a Firefighter NOW.

I’m consistently seeing candidates that ask a type of question that illustrates a HUGE and very common mistake that people make in pursuit of their dreams.  The questions often look like this:

“Should I get my two year degree in Fire Science or should I go for a more broad subject matter?  I want to have the best degree to get the job when I start applying, but I think I need to hedge my bets just in case.”

“Which … Read the rest


Starter Principals For The Firefighter Oral Board Exam. (And some great links!)

Books are filled with the principals regarding how to answer Firefighter Oral Board Questions.  In fact, i’m writing a new one right now.  The thing is…You have to start with some basic principals to the Oral Board Process.  Here are the first few I like to share with candidates:

1.  Show up at least thirty minutes early.

You’ll take advantage of having plenty of time to quiet your mind and prepare your thoughts or adjust to location changes within large

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Why do you want to become a firefighter?

That is a question that is commonly asked during an oral interview, and even during fire station visits or discussions with others when they find out your career aspirations.

Unfortunately many candidates fail to hit the grand slam when they answer this question.

Common answers include:

1. I want to help people.
2. I want to make a difference in people’s lives.
3. Because of the job security (not so much in today’s economy).
4. Because of the wages, benefits, … Read the rest


5 Ways to Improve Your Firefighter Written Exam Score Right Now.

The Written Exam is the first of the Fire Department Entrance Exams.  Its most often used to set a cut off for who will go forward to the Physical Agility and then Oral Board Examinations.  In these cases, it allows the department one is applying for to reduce the field of candidates to make the process more time and cost effective.  At other times, the score is added to other scores achieved in the testing process to determine an overall … Read the rest



As I scanned the parking lot, I was disturbed to see a private ambulance parked perpendicular in THREE spots.


Secrets of Success for Entry Level Firefighters

Become the Unshakeable Optimist, This can be one of the most difficult things to do. It requires that you do not “jump on the bandwagon” every time someone starts talking negative. You must limit that exposure. It is imperative that you remain positive and protective of your time. You can choose your thoughts and how you process them. Remember, someone else is out there working on getting hired just like you. It is a dogfight and your objective is to be the last one standing. To do that you must have conviction all the time.


Fit for Fire: Does P90X Work For Real For Anyone?

Happy New Year! Have one of your New Year’s resolution been getting yourself Fit for Fire?

Have you been considering using p90x to help you get your body into the best shape you can, but are not sure it is going to work for you? Does p90x work is a question that so many people everywhere are asking and searching for the answer for.

The truth is that this system can work for anyone that uses it, but whether it … Read the rest


Interview Tip: Name-Dropping

Happy New Year!

Many firefighter candidates think it is appropriate to “drop names” when they are participating in an oral interview or some other phase of the hiring process such as visiting fire stations. You may think this is a great idea and that by you knowing that special person you are mentioning, that you will have an “in” with the fire department. Well, that may be true, but it may be more false than true. While you may be … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

Hello is this thing on?

Without regard for you or the health of FireCareers, Bill Novak and Shift Design set us on a course of complete failure and put 28 years of company history on the brink of disaster.


Age and Becoming a Firefighter

Everyone has an opinion of age when it comes to hiring new firefighters. Some people feel that a younger candidate has a better chance of getting hired because; after all, the fire departments are looking to hire a candidate for the next 30 years.

If a fire department hires a 21 or 22 year old, the department can train the recruit before he or she has a chance to develop “bad” habits. Furthermore, since the agency wants to get the … Read the rest


You’re Almost There…

I recently responded to a post on one of the forums by a young man who was completely frustrated and ready to give up.  Like many, he’d worked hard at getting the job and hadn’t had any success.  On top of this, he had a family member that was nearing the end of their life.  He was in a quandary and needed a bit of a pick up.
I felt like a part of my story would help what seemed … Read the rest


Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to take the time to wish you, your family and friends Happy Holidays!

Hopefully this holiday season is not too stressful and is something you can enjoy as we near 2011 (weren’t we just getting ready for Y2K? – which was about 11 or so years ago?)!

Take care, don’t just stay safe – make it safe!… Read the rest


Everything You’ve Done…

“Everything you’ve done up to this point in your life has led you here.”
Strangely enough…this is something that any new firefighter candidate needs to understand.  This sounds very “new age” or “zen-like”, but the truth is that this is practical thought and will become exceedingly important as you embark on your pursuit of capturing your career in firefighting.  Soon you will find yourself in an oral board interview, a lucky meeting with a real decision-maker, with someone who is … Read the rest


I finally finished!!!!!

Today I finished my last presentation fo rmy last class for my Master’s degree. What makes this so special for me is that 7 years ago I was 9 classes short of an AS degree. When I promoted to BC, the Fire Chief made me promise that I would go back to school and earn my Bachelor’s degree. It took me 4 years to get it. Once I finished I wanted to continue. Two years later (today) I completed my … Read the rest


One Thing That’ll Take You A Long Way in The Fire Service (and life)…

I’ve been spending some time recently in the forums for candidates trying to get hired in the fire service.  I’ve found that some things never change.  There are a whole host of candidates who are probably otherwise great individuals complaining that life is unfair for one reason or another because they haven’t gotten hired.  In this post I’m going to save you a lifetime of pain and disappointment in and out of your fire career.
Ask yourself this question next … Read the rest


Station Visits and Ride-a-longs

The topic that I will be presenting is getting hired in the fire service. This is the second part of a multi-part series.


So, you’ve filled out your application and prepared for all of the facets of the examination process. The question arises; should I do a station visit?
The “Station Visit” is a kind of mini interview process in itself. It’s a process where we, the “line personnel” judge a multitude of things about you. It all … Read the rest


Did you get what you wanted out of 2010?

As the year 2010 comes to the end, can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and say you accomplished what you wanted to accomplish this year? Hopefully so; it isn’t too late, there are still about 3 weeks left. Now I know many folks who wait for things to happen. Are you one of those? Or are you one of those folks that actually makes things happen? There is a major difference; you are in control of your destiny … Read the rest


To EMT Or Not To EMT?… That is the Question.

As FireCareer’s youngest and most inexperienced blogger in terms of firefighting/fire-career experience (excluding Dr. Jen Milus who works with firefighters, but is not one),  my value to readers is my ability to see things quite clearly from your point of view.   That is of course because I am living, or have just gone through exactly what you’re going through.  Unlike the other accomplished fire veterans who write here at FireCareers, I do not have decades of experience.  I’m a new … Read the rest


New Year

Hello all,
As we come into the new year, I would encourage you to sit down and write out your goals. Researchers have found that those who take the time to put their goals down on paper have a much higher chance of reaching them.

For me, I will be finished with my Masters degree in a week. This is the culmination of a two year goal. I will be glad to be finished with it. My other goals are … Read the rest


Follow directions!

I was recently involved in screening fire department applications and I was amazed to see that 40% of the candidates did not follow the simple directions to include copies of their certifications. Subsequently all of these applications were disqualified from the process.
Also, keep in mind that the people behind the counter at HR are very influential in the hiring process. Be sure to be nice to them!
Lastly, do not staple your resume onto your application in lieu of … Read the rest


Your Story Starts Now.

One of the most sage admonishments the new candidate needs to hear is this:  “Your story starts now.”  From the moment you announce that you wish to make your living in the fire service, you will be judged on your words and actions.  These will develop a story about you going forward that will carry and get bigger in fits and starts.  Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the story will be untrue, unfair, and/or just plain wrong.  Furthermore, even if … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

NEWS RELEASE- For immediate distribution.

NEWS RELEASE- For immediate distribution.

FireCareers is proud to announce the 2011 North American Seminar and College Lecture Tour on the FireCareers Bus.  The tentative travel schedule is almost complete, our travel schedule will be posted and updated at the FireCareers website, our Facebook page, and our new “FireCareersBus” twitter page.

We have teamed up with the 911 Patch Project and Third Alarm Coffee Company. Our journey will take us across the country destined for Ground Zero for the 10 … Read the rest


What a Big Wave Surf Icon Can Teach You About Becoming A Firefighter

Laird Hamilton prepares himself constantly to be ready for the moment that “life” gives him the opportunity to seize his dream.  He’s done this for years and years, and as a result, he’s considered one of the greatest “Watermen” of all time.  He surfs the biggest, most dangerous waves in the world with a power, flow, and seeming oneness with the water that is awe inspiring.

Getting a job in the fire service is much like catching the perfect wave.  … Read the rest


The First 5 Things You Should Do To Get The Firefighter Job.

“I really want to work on the fire department.  What should I do to get started?”  several hundred would-be firefighters first words each time I meet them.

People waste alot of time with highly unproductive activity in their pursuit of a life in the fire service.  It drives me a little crazy because I did it when I first got started, and it causes me pain to even think about.  I’m going to use my first post to save

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Step Mill Training for CPAT

Step Mill Training for CPAT

No matter how hard you train for the stair climb in the CPAT, your legs will feel like rubber when you’re through. The time it takes to recover from this depends on your fitness level and your V02 Max. VO2 Max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can process in order to feed your muscles to do work. In tests like the CPAT, if your VO2 Max is not high enough, you simply Read the rest


Nutrition for Firefighters

Nutrition for Firefighters

Try the best to follow these guidelines. Shoot for perfection and give yourself room to be human. I do not recommend people eat vegetarian because it disallows pure protein, which is most easily absorbed into muscle tissue. In short, I tried it, and it made me fat and weak. (And I was eating very healthy, whole foods). This is aimed at getting all your essential fatty acids, protein and vitamins necessary for health and strength building.
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Rotator Cuff pain in FF/trainees

Rotator Cuff Pain
Dr. Jennifer N. Milus, DC

Shoulder Pain:

Rotator cuff pain, sprains, and tendonitis appear quite often in athletes who require repetitive explosive movement of their shoulders. Fighting fires requires full range of motion of that ball and socket joint, and full function of the muscles around it. Pain on movement, or sharp pain on lifting can indicate that you have a problem with the rotator cuff muscles, and/or their tendons. If that is the case, then Read the rest


What to eat on TEST day


What to Eat on Test Day?:
By: Dr. Jen Milus, DC

Let’s start with the 3 days before the big test! Eating right on test day is not near enough! If you want to test well… remember that garbage in means garbage out! If you eat junk, you’ll perfrom just that way! You need to start carb loading and hydrating 3 days before the big day!

For the purposes of this article, a serving of a protein,
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Strength and Endurance for Firefighters

Endurance for Firefighters needs to be a combination of intense cardio and weight bearing exercises that pushes you to the limits to prep for the job. I have posted below, my last leg work out. I am been training this way for years (30, actually), so it needs to be worked up to for many. Proceed with caution. I am 5’5″ and 135lb…
I give weights, reps etc. just for a ballpark so you studs know where to start! But, … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

I want to be a Firefighter, what should I do?

The path that leads to a firefighter position with a fire department has many courses of opportunity. You must choose the path that is best suited for your individual personality. The requirements to be qualified vary from agency to agency. The minimum requirements would be: high school diploma/GED, 18 years of age, and a valid driver’s license. The next requirement would most likely be a current CPAT card. Education and training will be the next level of requirements. EMT cert. … Read the rest

Capt Craig Freeman

Try Again!! WOW

We are recovering and should be back together soon.  This FCBlog section will be finished soon!!… Read the rest


Getting Hired in a Tough Economy

Getting hired in today’s economy is extremely difficult. Many departments are still trying to figure out what their budgets are going to be. The federal and state governments are still a moving target, which means that the cities and counties are still uncertain as to their financial status.

Here is the way the budget works in California. When a product is sold the vendor charges sales tax. Depending on the city, this ranges from 8.5% to 10.5%. This money is … Read the rest


Secrets of Success for Entry Level Firefighters, Part 1.

Secrets are thoughts or information that are kept from knowledge or view. To be more specific, they are the things that are important to you that elude you on your search for information that may prove to be important in your quest for a job as a professional firefighter. Success is a favorable or desired outcome. Basically, success is the culmination of all of your efforts good and bad. Now that we know that the secrets of success are not … Read the rest


Getting hired in the fire service.

The topic that I will be presenting is getting hired in the fire service. This is the first part of a multi-part series.

Whether it’s your first fire service job or you’re looking to promote, I can never emphasize what I believe in. “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”.

Trust me when I say that whether you are dropping off your application, participating in a ride-along, or interning for your Paramedic licensure, you are being … Read the rest


Why do firefighters need to be fit?

A firefighters role is extremely varied which involves working in a vast array of situations and environments including:

  • Hot and humid atmospheres.
  • Dark and confined spaces.
  • Oxygen deficient atmospheres.
  • Prolonged periods of physical activity.
  • Working long hours during the night when your body is telling you to rest.

The day to day work of a firefighter is also extremely varied and calls upon muscular strength, endurance and flexibility at different incidents.

Tasks that firefighters carry out at incidents can be … Read the rest


Low Back Pain

Low back pain is among the most debilitating injuries in the American workforce today. Firefighters are not immune. But what can we do ourselves?

There is no magic bean for mechanical low back pain. There are a variety of choices for care for your back pain: chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, pain killers and muscle relaxants. Whatever your choice: Your healthcare provider cannot help you nearly as much as you can help yourself. Any treatment they do really needs … Read the rest


Being the best firefighter you can be!

First, I want to thank Craig Freeman and the Perfect Firefighter Candidate/ team for allowing me to share of my experiences and thoughts with you, I’m really excited to be a part of this great resource for both future and current firefighters. I also want to thank you for taking the time to read and even comment on the items I plan to share with you now and in the future!

I want to start off with my first blog … Read the rest


Firefighting – Is It Worth It?

Becoming a firefighter is anything but easy. Consider, these days nursing is becoming a hugely popular career route, especially here in the San Francisco Bay Area where salaries are the highest in the nation. Recent RN graduates around here can’t find jobs for months and for some, over a year. well boo-hoo! Try getting into firefighting where the average time to get hired runs 5 years!

There aren’t too many careers out there that are quite as hard to break … Read the rest