Fire Station Visits
This past couple of weeks we did a few station visits and had a blast doing it!
First, I got to visit the Berryhill Fire Dept. in Oklahoma. I was happy to hear that the department was taking firefighter applications in anticipation that a couple of paid positions may open. The engine room was full equipment the probationary firefighter who showed me around was a few weeks away from getting off probation
Next, we went by Fresno, CA City Station 15. The fire house is a newer station for a department that has a great reputation of being one of the oldest organized fire departments in the country. When you walk in the front door it has a very cool mural of a horse drawn steamer engine in the tile floor, a tribute to their long heritage. Out in the engine bay there’s a new Type-3 brush rig, front line engine and an OES rig. Inside was a picture history of the Fresno fire department. One picture on the wall told a story of an arsonist who came through town some 50 years ago and ignited commercial fires throughout the entire city prompting mutual aid from any department in the region who could send help. In the picture, there’s a firefighter on his first day set up on a monitor flowing 500 gpm firefighting a multiple story hotel fire from the middle of the street.
During our visit with East Fork Fire & Paramedic Dist. Fire Station 12 in Nevada, we met many groups of public safety workers from around the Northern Nevada area, including a helitack crew from Nevada Division of Forestry and the Mountain Warfare Fire and Emergency Services crew. The East Fork District has both paid and volunteer fire stations. If you’re looking to join a nice agency in Northern Nevada, I would beat feet on over and see how you can get involved. The Fish Springs station within the district needs firefighters to join their program, too.
Lastly, we hung out at Jerome, ID Fire Station 2. A young paid combination department with still a rich history. One photo on the wall was an awesome photo of the then, mostly volunteer, department in their class A uniforms and honor guard. Station 2 is currently staffed with at least 4 members and station 1 is usually responded by the paid on- call members. The engine floor at station 2 had a newer engine, a rescue unit carrying the Jaws of Life and a regional Haz- Mat unit. The department is looking at ways to develop more paid and paid on- call firefighter positions.
Station visits are always great!
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