Dear Perfect Firefighter Candidate,
After several years of using your service and applying to many different departments in CA, I finally achieved my dream career Jan. of 2013 with Austin Fire Department. PFC was invaluable in my getting timely and sometimes hard ...
Tian Wong
Firefighter, Austin Fire Department, TX
Dear Craig and Pam Freeman,
I have been an active member of your Website ( for over three years. I recently applied for a Firefighter position at the Chevron Fire Department Station #60 in Richmond, California through information I received from your...
Christopher Baker
Firefighter/Engineer, Chevron Fire Department - Station #60, CA
I first would like to give the PFC a special thanks for helping me fulfill my dream in becoming a firefighter for the City of Santa Monica. This website truly works! ( It provides you with the most current and up-to-date information on firefighter ope...
Julian Zermeno
Firefighter, Santa Monica, CA
I would like to thank you for helping me reach my lifelong dream of becoming a firefighter. The information from FireCareers helped me focus my efforts on a department that was looking for my specific experience and skills, and led to a position with the Oshkosh Fire De...
Andrew Jaeger
Firefighter, Oshkosh F.D., WI